|Chapter Eight|

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          |Chapter Eight:Selena's POV|

I woke up this morning by the sudden urge of having puke,yet again.

I heard someone come in, Demi helped me pull my hair up.She caressed my back while I got up, wiping my mouth off with the back of my hand, as I attempted to reach the sink to brush my teeth.

"You alright,hon?" Demi asked.

"Yeah, just morning sickness.Thanks by the way."

"No problem, are you hungry?"

"Of course."I laughed,I'm hungry,but I feel so nauseous,still I'm always hungry.

I grabbed my phone and wallet and a light sweater, its still cold this time of year.

"Waffle House?"She asked,turning the engine on,and letting the car heat up.

"Sure,wait no let's go to IHOP." I corrected her.She burst into laughter.

"God, I'm going to have so much trouble adjusting to your bipolarness."She chuckled as she drove off of her drive-way.

"Just be glad,that I didn't say so when we already at Waffle House."

"Trust me, I'm very glad."

"Hey did we just leave, in our pajamas?" I mentioned as we got to a red light. I laughed at how I didn't noticed before.

"...Yes,I think we did." She chuckled."Oh well,at least we didn't sleep in just bras and panties." My eyes went wide at her comment.We both burst into fits of laughter.

"I'm so done." I laughed gently clutching my stomach.


"Thank you."  I said as our order got to our table.The smell of the food,I'm not finding appetizing at all.

"No problem." The waiter winked.I rolled my eyes.

I mean he was alright, I'll give him that, but I can't stand cocky guys, and well stranger danger,right?

I swear I saw Demi about to punch him.I gave her a warning look.

"I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't try to flirt with me...in-in front of my girlfriend." I winked at Demi,and I was about to blow our cover by laughing at his reaction.

"Yeah...we're lesbian and well the thing is, she's pregnant. You don't want all that baggage now, do you?" Demi played along. 

"I'm sorry,I didn't realize that...you were...anyways I'm sorry." He said and excused himself.

"Thanks for trying. You're cute, though." Demi said.

We laughed our butts off,and high fived each other.

He actually bought it.

"Did you see his face?!" She said barely breathing.

"Yess, he was like-" I said while trying to mimick the look on his face.

"I'm done,with humans."She chuckled finally taking a bite from her food.

"I completely agree." I said taking.

"I think its funny that,he still found you attractive in pajamas and messy hair." She laughed.

"Right! That's really weird,I bet any other person would be embarrassed to see me in pajamas around them in public." I chuckled.

"No, don't say that. Anyone would be lucky to have you,with your flaws and all." She smiled gently.

What are best friends for, right?

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"Thanks Dems,you're such a beautiful person,inside and out,and anyone would be lucky to have you too." I reached across the table and grabbed her hand,and I caressed the back of it with my thumb.She kept her smile.

She's such a great friend and I wouldn't mind if no one else is here for me.

We continued to eat and made small talk.Remembering the times when we were young and had no worries. Those were the days. She even started coming up with baby names. I love this girl to death.


As we entered her front door we decided it was to cold to do anything else.So we'll just spend the day in.

We were in the middle of cuddling with a blanket while watching Bride Wars,our favorite movie to watch together, when my phone rang.

The flash went off and blinded me,since it was directly under me. I flinched, my eyes not adjusting in time. My eyes closed as a reaction and dug through the blanket for my phone. iI opened my eyes to see it fly across the living room.

Damn it.

Demi looked at me funny and smirked. I rolled my eyes at her and groaned as I got up to retrieve my phone.

I looked at the Caller I.D and froze.I dropped the phone once again,almost shattering against the marble floor.

"Jesus Sel,that phone has been through way to much"She said sarcastically,then she took note of my facial expression."What's wrong who is it?!"She said,and was about to panic, since I didn't respond.

She made her way over to me and her jaw dropped.

"Aren't you going to answer the phone?" She said still looking at the person's name.

"I-I ..." I stuttered,my mind,turned blank.I didn't know if I wanted to talk to her or not.I didn't have to answer because in that moment the phone stopped ringing annoyingly.

I sighed deeply and dragged myself back to my spot on the couch,legs crossed.

I groaned and buried my face in my hands.

Demi ran over and took my phone from my hands.Of course she'd be the one,she called her back.

"Hey Sofia, how are you?" She said and put the phone on speaker. I glared at Demi.

"Hello,Demi? I'm doing fine,sweetie. Is Selena around?" I noted her dissapointed tone, probably because it wasnt me who answered the phone.

Demi looked over at me curiously,and started to walk towards me. I shook my head vigorously. She sighed and sat next to me.

"Actually..." My eyes widened."She is here.She's alright by the way,don't worry about her." She said assuring my mother.

"Thank you so much,for letting me know,I was just really worried about her."She choked.I wanted to pull my hair out,never once did I want to hear my mom crying because of me.

"Is there anything that you wanted to say to her?"

"Yes, actually, I just wanted to hear her voice,and make sure my baby girl is alright.I wanted to let her know that I love her and I missed her,so much." She definitely was holding back tears.My grip tightened on the blanket.I bit my tongue to try to hold back.

"I'm sure she already knows that,very well. I'll l-"

"I love you,mom." I whispered,on the verge of tears.Note to self biting your tongue doesn't help, a lot. This kind of stuff happens when you're a momma's girl.

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