Chapter 37

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The crowds were thick as Lily arrived at the theater with Mason and Cassie. There was a red carpet and she followed behind the famous couple, alone. She and Paxton had had a long heart to heart conversation, and she had realized that, as much as she wanted to, she couldn't hide behind him. There would be the press tour and the following season to get through, so avoiding Finn wasn't an option.

The crowds were wild about Mason and Cassie, but Mason wasn't about to let Lily feel left out as he turned around and pulled her in on the other side of him while a microphone was thrust in his face. Lily was still an unknown, so there was limited interest in her as they made their way into the theater and found their seats.

Their names were pinned on the back of their seats, and Lily noted that she was sitting in a prime spot between Mason and Finn. Finn had yet to arrive, and Lily was a little disappointed that she wouldn't get to see him in action on the red carpet.

Cassie lowered herself delicately into the seat behind her with a sigh as Mason reached over her to greet someone that Lily didn't recognize.

"It can be overwhelming the first time," Cassie said, reaching over and patting Lily's hand.

Lily could only smile in response before Cassie's attention was taken by another visitor, but wen she felt movement on the other side of her, she looked over and saw that Finn had arrived and was approaching down the aisle of seats. She watched him noting he looked handsome in his tailored suit.

"You clean up well," she greeted, striving for just the right amount of friendliness.

Lily was wearing a simple back cocktail dress with low heels. She had pinned her hair back and broke out the contacts in an attempt to look decent for the cameras.

Finn smiled and took his seat next to her. "As do you, but you always look nice," he said in an attempt at a compliment.

Lily's mouth almost fell open, and she stared at him. Then realizing that they were staring at each other without talking, Lily sat back in her seat and cleared her throat. She could feel the heat radiating off him where his arm and leg brushed hers.

The noise level was rising in the theater as people continued to arrive, and a photographer was walking around taking photos. He asked Lily and Finn for one, and they stood to accommodate him, with Finn placing his hand on Lily's back, while she turned in towards him, clutching her purse in front of her as if it were a shield.

"Why is this so awkward?" she asked Finn as the photographer left them. She had gone up on tip-toe and said it right in his ear so she wouldn't be overheard. He kept his hand on the small of her back and held her close, not pulling away like he usually did when she got to close.

"If you think about it, our entire relationship had been awkward, so this isn't unusual," he said with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Fair enough, but why?" she pulled back and looked at him, but he didn't remove his arm as he looked down at her.

"Perhaps it's a lack of honesty," Finn suggested.

"I have always been honest!" Lily hissed, upset that he would think she had been anything but honest.

"You have, but I haven't." Their eyes met, and Lily didn't try to hide her confusion.

The lights dimmed, and they took their seats without another word being said. Jo and Tom joined them as the show's moderator for the evening approached the microphone.

She thanked everyone for coming then introduced herself as someone having something to do with the local art school Lily had attended and told everyone that they would watch the season premiere, which would be followed by a question and answer session afterward with a reception to follow.

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