Warning Before i continue (please read)

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Before i continue with this story i am warning you about some things that will be included in the story.

Past abuse/neglect

Past substance abuse

Emotional and mental manipulation


Past sucidal tendencies or actions

Before every chapter you will be warned about what it will include and i will make sure to clarify information and that those chapters weren't important to the plot overall.

If any of you need someone to talk or rant to my inbox is always open. Because i have been in some of these scenarios so while i have not been through exactly the same experience as any of you i am always willing to listen and help in any way i can.

If you want to skip the story completely then i completely understand and please know i am not doing this with the intention to make anyone uncomfortable this is imperative to my characters growth as a person.

This is not for those of you that are captain America fans and are die hard team cap supporters. I will include so much bashing steve rogers and his gang of fuckups. This is 100% team tony/ iron man fic. If you dont like it then sis just dont read it. I dont give a shit if you come for me in the comments or whatever. This is a story that will have so much hate for a lot of the people who support steve. This is james barnes ( im not calling a grown ass man bucky) somewhat neutral. Im not attacking him for anything but what he did in siberia. I get that he was confused and shit through out basically everything. This still does not give you the right to beat the shit out of a man you dont know. And i hate steve rogers, i will always hate the star spangled tightwad with a stick shoved so far up his red white and blue ass. So i respect that people are cap fans and hate tony or are just cap fans or just hate tony. I dont give a shit who you support, to each their own babes. I wanted to say this because this story is how i played this through in
my mind which will include drastic and minor changes.

Toni StarkWhere stories live. Discover now