My eyes close slowly and then all at once. No one could stop me, there was no going back now. Ive reached the edge in more ways than one. I hoped it wouldn't come to this, i so wanted someone to just knock on my door and embrace me in a deep, meaningful hug or even just text me to let me know someone at least cared. I can't live like this anymore. It's time for me to leave this earth and never look back. I wrote a letter to the person who meant more to me than life itself, it just so happened i meant absolutely nothing to him. This is one of the reasons I'm stood on the edge right now. He completely shut me out just like everyone else that was in my life. The letter read...
Dear Alfie,
As you are reading this i am probably already off on my long journey to heaven(or hell). You will never appreciate how much i loved and cared for you. I have to go because i can't live my life seeing you everyday and not being able to call you mine. It kills me inside to see you happy with some other girl, that isn't me, every other week. This is why i need to kill myself, before you do it for me, i'm taking control. Im taking control of my life for once instead of letting people write my future for me. Don't try and find me, It's too late, no one can stop me. Tell my parent that i loved them and I'm sorry for the pain i've caused them. Tell my brother i hope all his dreams for the future come true. Im free...the pain has gone. For the final time, 'goodbye Alfie'. Maybe we will meet again some day in a place where everyone's dreams come true, that's a place i would like to live. I hope you live a happy life.
I will always love you,
The clock reads 11:59, i take a step forward so I'm stood centimetres away from the extensive drop. I hear the waves crash against the jagged rocks below like a shark sinking its teeth into its next victim. I smell the fresh, salty sea air. It reminds me of when i used to come here with my family, me and my brother used to jump from rock to rock dodging the deadly lava we imagined lurked between the cracks. My dad carried me on his strong shoulders once the rocks became too far apart for my little legs to avoid the gap. I felt safe in his arms. I always was his little princess, I'm not sure if he will still see me that way once i've performed this cowardly act.
My phone reads 12.00, i have received a text from my brother asking if i wanted to meet up for coffee tomorrow. If only he knew the reason i would never make it to Starbucks that next day. I meticulously placed my phone on the ground next to me and once again close my eyes. I spread my arms out inviting the wind to sway me back and forth. This place, once my haven now my hell.
I heard a deep, familiar voice call my name repeatedly. I ignore the constant pleads and focus on my breathing. The voice becomes louder each time, i sense his body stood just a few metres behind me. "Go" i whisper. No response. My heart beats out of my chest as i hover one leg over the edge. It's time. I reposition my hovering leg back onto the ground. Small rocks tumble over the edge. I lean forward, my head feels heavy. I bend my knees. Alfie mumbling meaningless words fills my mind. I prepare myself to plummet into the ferocious sea below. My heart says stop. My head says go. My head wins. I'm going. "I love you" Alfie screams. My legs collapse. I guess your heart always wins.
Twitter/Instagram: lozza_jade13
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On the edge(zalfie one shot)
FanfictionZoe feels abandoned, her friends have completely shut her out and the love of her life would never love her back. Will she plummet over the edge or will she be saved?