Somthing is amiss in the town of Morioh. . . And coming in hot is Hotaru M. Ueno; as the new kid on the block she's in for a ride when she's sucked into the hunt for an explosive killer. Through the chaos of it all sparks fly between her and a clas...
But her eldest daughter did not dare to waste more time on an explanation when her siblings were dancing with death. "Mom. This is not a code blue. This is a code gold." Her mother's fuscia eyes widened with shock and saved her questions for later. "This way," was all she said and they ran to the room her mother had in mind. Once inside the room Hotaru and Jotaro laid each twin on their own bed, her mother slammed the wall intercom and gave out orders.
"Attention. We have two code golds - all availiable specialized personnel come immeadiately. Room 206 C.E.R."
Hotaru stood inbetween both beds, concentrating, hands raised and used Black Magic in an attempt to alleviate her sibling's temperatures. Black Magic's flames dimmed until they were black and began to siphon the heat from Hideo and Mitsuko into her own flames. Her mother noted that her efforts were helping and that others should be here soon. The fiery stand's flames slowly were changing from black to dark violet - getting gradually brighter.
Jotaro stood to the side; he couldn't really do anything to better the situation. He could hear footsteps in the hallway coming towards the room, he got up and let them in. One of the personnel put a hand on Hotaru's shoulder but pulled it away as if they almost got burnt.
"Miss, thank you for your efforts - we'll take it from here," he turned to Hotaru's mother, "Ueno-sensei, should they wait outside?"
The red head, already in her zone momentarily lapsed and answered, "I don't want them to - but based on the circumstances, they should." The teenager put away her stand and saw others be pulled out; she cast one last glance at her mother. It could only be described as if they were going normal speed and everyone else was in slow motion, her mother pulled out her stand - a calming honeysuckle yellow emanated from her as a beautiful humanoid emerged from her back. Akane winked at her daughter as if to say 'everything will be alright - I'll see you soon.' Hotaru nodded with a stern look and followed Jotaro outisde.
Hotaru staggered in her step and leaned against the wall as everything set in and her adrenaline wore off. Jotaro walked up to her and casually leaned against the wall too. She looked up at him with a tired expression and thanked him.
"Thank you so much Jotaro-san," she graciously said - keeping it short. He looked down at her and responded, "Mm. You made a good call."
A period of silence developed for a short period of time prior to Jotaro asking some questions, "Hotaru, what's code gold?" The tan girl stretched out her arms as she answered, "Code gold is one of the few codes that are stand related. It refers to cases where stands are being awakened." He nodded, "What made you rule this out as a freak accident?"
Hotaru glanced back at Jotaro - a bit surprised, "Jotaro-san, ever since the attack from Angelo I was skeptical for anything extremely weird in terms of stand awakening. Don't you remember when Hideo was attacked; he claimed that he saw a blue figure?" She took a breath then proceeded in her explanation, "But then I saw that Mitsuko was afflicted too - I thought of the theory that twins share the same soul. Wherever one twin is the other is usually not too far off. I figured that the irregularity of fever had to be stand related, unfortunately they have to go through the fever-induced route of attainment. When I saw both of them on the floor at the same time that's when I called you."
Jotaro thought about what she said before reminiscing about when he first unlocked Star Platinium, he had a temporary slight high in temperature before he turned himself in - claiming to be possessed. Which lead him to think about the first enounter he had with Avdol, "What you said implies that you didn't get a fever when you got Black Magic." She chuffed before snickering a bit, "You're right I didn't - but I scared the hell out of Dad in the process." She described how she was spying on Avdol while he was practicing with Magician's Red and he'd just used crossfire hurricane: special.
"You've probably seen it - flaming ankhs everywhere. Then I thought it was a really good idea to go and surprise him - because I wanted to tell him how cool it was. So I run out there like it was the lighting of the olympic torch - I had summoned Black Magic and I was harmlessly engulfed in fire. Dad sees me running over to him and he absolutely freaks; he looks like he was about to have a mid-life crisis. He was so worried that he'd unintentionally set his own kid on fire and tried to put it out. After about the fifth try he realized that it wasn't his fire. At this point Black Magic peeped out from behind my shoudler. And I stood there the entire time smiling like an idiot - waiting for him to figure it out. He was shocked but proud and he let me ride his shoulders back home to go and show Mom."
She didn't see it but Jotaro smiled at the thought of Avdol freaking out like a mother hen - his image of Avdol was always so calm, mature, and collected.
The door to the room opened as worn out hospital personnel exited the room, a warm yellow glow followed after them. In the doorway stood Hotaru's mother with her stand, "You both can come in now." With the main event of getting the twins to stabilize over Hotaru quickly seized a chair. Jotaro spoke - thinking of when his mother had the same illness, "Are they going to be okay?"
"They will be fine. I've seen glimpses of their s-"
The red-headed woman fixed her own set of glasses, "I'll be damned. You're Kujo Jotaro - last time I saw you was when we were treating Seiko-san after coming back from Egypt."
Jotaro tensed; he hadn't taken into account that possibility, "I don't remember meeting you." Her fuschia eyes scanned over her youngest children, "I'm Dr.Ueno M. Akane. Feel free to call me Akane-san. And thank you for helping my daughter bring my two youngest here during this ungodly hour." She squinted her eyes as if looking for something, "Are you hurt anywhere?" Her honeysuckle yellow stand waved its ankh over Jotaro. Before her mother's kind nature unintentionally over-stepped any boundaries Hotaru pulled out Black Magic to put a hand on Hathor's shoulder.
"Mom, Jotaro-san isn't hurt. But he surely has some questions," said Hotaru her dark brown eyes catching with her mother's pink ones. Akane turned to look at Jotaro, "I guess you're going to ask about my stand?" He nodded.
"Hathor, is my stand. She's a very good healing stand but not that great at offense. She has the ability to numb the pain to the targeted area. Using that ankh she holds is where she actually heals things by using her light. If there's something in the wound it needs to be taken out first. Some things cannot be cured, death naturally being one of them and the awakening of other stands. Very common things like colds also aren't 'healed.' But she can help alleviate the symptoms until it has passed. She's a wiz when it comes to babies. I also hope the cow head doesn't disturb you too much . . ."
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Her stand's golden glow howevered over Hotaru and Akane's eyes softened as she turned to address her eldest daughter; she found that Hotaru had fallen asleep in the chair with her arms and feet crossed - just like how her father used to. She playfully shook her head, "I swear she's just like Avdol sometimes."