A Week Since I've Seen You

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The last few days have been in a way nice.

Isiah spoke words I didn't know he knew. Tabitha sang a few lines from a Nirvana song, nothing obscene, so she got away with it. It made me smile.

One of the days, when you were playing guitar, I caught her dancing to it, making up words as she went. Karen wasn't too happy with that and made us go out for the day. But you kept on playing. She couldn't run from it every day, all day.

When I pretend to go to sleep with Karen by my side, I stay awake to listen. I can't hear you humming melodies, but I imagine you do. I can hear the faint strum of the guitar, and old records, Vadar barking. I fall asleep before you finish up every night, so I start to treat it as a before bed lullaby.

When you message saying you'll call, on the Wednesday, I'm scared. I rush a reply, not even thinking to read the older replies from you. I try to go about things as normal as best as I can.

It's been a day since I sent that message. Karen's out with the kids. It's the first day she's trusted me to leave me home alone. She doesn't know I plan to leave tomorrow.

I go to our texts and I now take the time to read the messages you sent before the one in which you said you would call. It's mostly just you saying hi, joking, saying how you enjoyed Sunday night.

You send me a couple of video links. A live TV performance, which I watch, and your first interview, which I don't.

After that, it's as if the time changes. You're asking if I'm okay. You seem quite worried. You know I've been home...

'Are we okay?'

Shit. And then I tell you things aren't good right now. And not to call me. I didn't mean for it to seem like a response to that, but knowing you, that's how you'd pick it up.



It's not even 6pm. You'd be home. But can I risk that? Risk going to yours and Karen coming home. I'll see the kids the one last time. Say goodbye. I'll see you tonight after you finished your shift.

I hope I'm not too late to fix this.

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