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It was a Monday and I really didn't feel like going to school, we haven't even been doing anything.

Teachers don't want to teach  and the students didn't want to learn so we usually just sit in class and do our own thing.

People from other classes even come to talk to their friends in other classes. And the teachers either don't notice or they just don't give a shit anymore.

I was right now in Math class, Blake and I were bored so we decided to play Tick Tack Toe at the back of my math book.

So far I'm winning because I'm the best at this game.

Or Blake might be purposeful making me win...

We were graduating next Monday and we had prom on Saturday.

Was I looking forward to both of them? Yes but no.

While Blake and I were playing I don't remember when I fell asleep.

I jolted up when someone blew air in my ear.

I turn my head to the right to see Blake standing next to me with an innocent smile of his face.

"Why'd you do that?" I groan and standing up because class was over.

"Oh you know...revenge" he simply states while shrugging his shoulder.

I shake my head and we both walk out of the class.

"I have Biology" I groan.

I hate biology, not just because I don't like learning about cells and shit like that but also because a certain jerk is in that class.

His name is Vincent.

I freaking hate his guts. If I had a chance to choose something to dissect in class it would definitely be him.

"I'm coming with you" Blake simply says and walks toward the door to the classroom.

"What? Why?" I ask following behind him entering the classroom too.

People had gone silent when they say Blake walk in, but he looked unfazed.

He just walked to the back of the classroom and sat down looking at me expectantly waiting for me to sit next to him.

I look around the class and everyone was just staring at me, well most of the girls were glaring and some guys staring at me creepily.

I ignored their stares and walk to the desk next to Blake.

He then suddenly turns around and plants his lips on me. I was shocked but I quickly kiss him back then pulls away, not liking people staring at us openly while we kiss.

Once his lips aren't on mine anymore he turns to the class and glares at the guys that were staring at me.

The whole class then turns around to the front of the class.

A few desks in front I saw Vincent staring at us, a mixture of emotions in his eyes.

But the most prominent was anger.

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