cuarenta y tres

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he woke suddenly when he felt he was short of breath.

his chest was drenched in sweat and his head ached so hard that it began to pound due to pain. it was not the first time he had nightmares, nor was it the first time his head hurt that way, what was new was that feeling of fear that lay inside him.

zach took a deep breath and looked at the person on the other side of the bed.

i love you.

i love you a lot.

zach clenched his teeth tightly and got out of bed when he heard the sound of his voice in my head.

it had to be a mistake, corbyn couldn't love me, not me.

when zach left his room to go to the bathroom. he opened the cold water and wet my face a couple of times, let go of the air with force and when he raised his face to look in the mirror, he was surprised to discover that the person who was looking back at him was not him, he was his father. jay.

"pathetic." he murmured mockingly in his voice, there was a smile drawn on his face. "you are pathetic. you try not to look like me but we are the same. "

zach didn't say a single word, instead, he clung to the edge of the sink and continued to look at his reflection in the mirror.

"that boy, matthew." zach was enraged to hear jay call him by the name that only zach used. "he loves you, right? but... what about you, zach? do you love him too? are you even capable of love, little bastard? "

"close your fucking mouth." zach growled.

jay smiled. zach hated that smile.

"i see... now i understand. don't worry, son, that's why i'm here for, to remind you who you are. the fact that this boy loves you is a mistake. you are like to me, you are cursed, everyone who loves you is destined to suffer. everyone. "

"no. stop. i don't want to listen to you."

"yes. and you know what the best part is? "jay continued, this time zach could almost hear his laugh.

"shut up, just go sway."

"the best part is that the person who will make the one you love suffer will be no one but yourself." his smile grew even wider. "matthew is going to end up just like your mother, crazy as hell, destroyed and vulnerable. and you, zach. "in his reflection appeared the hole of a gunshot wound in his forehead. "you'll end up just like me. dead. dead because corbyn killed you, he has to, he will have to. there is no choice for him to live happy if you're with him, you know it and i know it. "

"no!" zach shouted, punching the mirror, it shattered instantly and the image of my father disappeared. " i'm not like you."

zach wasn't going to allow it, matthew wasn't going to end up like his mother, not him.

corbyn is good and better with him, though the brown haired boy.

his breathing was extremely fast and his heart rate was about to reach impressive levels, he needed to discharge his anger, he needed to hit something. zach had two weeks without fighting properly, two weeks without retaliating his anger... that was driving him crazy, he was about to overflow, to commit madness.

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