Chapter 8: The Wild Pokemon

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     I should ask to battle him too!  Jade thought to herself.  "Alright." She said quietly aloud.  She began walking toward Jace as he turned around and smiled at her. 

     She opened her mouth, but when their eyes met she closed it and looked down wondering why she had even tried. 

     "That was a good battle wasn't it."  Jace said. " He smiled waiting for her to answer but he too was a little nervous. 

     "Y-yeah it was."  Jade said as her cheeks turned rose red.  "I Umm...  I... Do you wan-"  she was trying but was interrupted. 

     "Do you wanna battle too? "  Jace said blushing and couldn't manage eye contact.  He didn't want to bother her so he added, "You don't have to if you don't want... " 

"No I would love to!"  she said finally looking up at him with a warm smile.   "Let's go! "  she started to feel a little more comfortable with him.

     They lined up on opposite sides as Jace pulled a yellow crystal-like object out of his bag and feed it to Temokack.   Temokack had green swirls circle around him as he jumped to his feet feeling fired up.  It was a Max revive and now he was ready to battle.  

     "Lets go Jade!"  I cheered waving one arm in the air.   "Vulpix vull!  Vulpix cheered as Eevee did too.   "Get ready... Go!"  I yelled starting off the battle.  

     "Shokat I choose you! "  Jade stated throwing the red pokeball from her belt onto the ground releasing Shokat.   Shokat cried in delight and got into position.

     "Alright let's go Temokack! "  Jace yelled for his Pokemon to come up who was already out.  "cack cack cack! " Temokack yelped jumping onto the battle field.  

     Jade knew electric moves wouldn't habe good effect so she started off with a different type move.  

      "Shokat start off with scratch! "  Jade ordered.  Shokat ran toward Temokack swiping toward him with his paw but Jace had already told Temokack to counter with swift so instead of getting a hit,  Shokat had to dodge.  

     Shokat ran back retracting his claws and Zig-Zagged to dodge them.  He managed to avoid all of them but they  crashed all around,  hitting a tree above them. 

     The tree shook until we heard a loud cry from a branch.  A little white cloud fell from the tree slowly but then we noticed it was a Swablu!

     He had scratch marks, some bigger than others,  and had drops of blood leaking from them.  He cried softly as a cloud of dust rised around him. 

     Did Temokack really do that much damage? Jace thought to himself. "He needs help, this is my fault I'll take him to the nearest Pokémon center." 

     Jade noticed that he had a sad look on his face so she put her hand on his arm and said,"It's not all your fault it was an accident none of this was intended to happen." 

     "Thanks but I have to own up to my mistakes."  He said scooping up Seablu in his arms. We quickly rushed to the nearest place that could help.
We arrived at Proffecer Acacia's lab after a long 4 miles of walking. We ran up to the door as it automatically slid open and stepped in.

"Choose you starter and choose wisely! " the professor said to two kids choosing their Pokemon. One was a 10 year old girl who had a purple fishtail braid reaching down to her hips. She was wearing a blue and white school outfit and had blue eyes that narrowed with her hand on her chin as she thought of wich starter to choose.

The other 10 year old was a boy wearing a pokeball hat revealing brown hair hanging over his ears. He had dark brown, almost black eyes and he too, had his hand on his chin and was wearing a school uniform.

Proffecer Acacia had red hair that spiked out in the front and had brown, bushy eyebrows. He wore a white lab coat over a brown shirt with pockets and black pants on. He also had red eyes and held out his hand towards the pokeballs and waited for them to decide.

He turned to Jace holding Swablu in his arms and quickly rushed over to him. Jace handed him Swablu and said, " Please help him... Potions aren't enough to help these wounds... " The proffecer layed Swablu on a mini stretcher and went to the back of his lab and picked up a small potion designed to heal all wounds instantly.

"This is a halo potion, it instantly heals all wounds of a human, but if it were to be sprayed on a Pokemon... It wouldn't survive. " He said handing it to Jace. Jace had scratches on his arms from were Swablu struggled to get away but Jace was determined to help him.

I froze when I saw the Golden bottle, " I....I actually don't like blood... So I'm just gonna go. " I said nervously then rushed out of the door before anyone could say anything.

"I hope she's OK. " Jade said worrying about me but remembering Swablu. All the attention turned back to the injured Pokemon.

"This is for the Pokemon. " Proffecer Acacia said as handed Jace another bottle but it was dark red. "This is a horns potion, it does the opposite of a halo potion." He added.

He sprayed it on the Swablu as green glowing swirls circled around him and the wounds disappeared. He got up and flew on Jace's shoulder and cried, " Swab-luuuuu! " thanking him.

"I think Swablu really likes you." Jade said feeling the fluffy cotton of his wings. "You should catch him." She added.

"What do you think Swablu? Do you wanna stay with me?" Jace said. "Swablu! " He cried loudly. Then Jace reached for a pokeball from his belt.

"OK let's go Temokack!" Jace said throwing the pokeball into the air. "Temo-kack! " He shouted, jumping into the air. "OK hit em with swift! " Jace yelled as Temokack aimed at Swablu and shot stars toward him.

Swablu used gust to blow the stars away but there was too much force and Temokack landed a direct hit launching Swablu backwards. Before he had time to recover, Swablu looked up to see a ball coming towards him and he was consumed by light. The pokeball shook twice before clicking.

"Well that was fast" Jade said as she watched Jace release Swablu. "We should go check on Claire. " She added. We walked towards the door as the proffecer stopped Jace because he wanted to talk to him. Jade kept walking.

As she stepped outside I quickly wiped the tears from my face and looked at her with my face still red and a little wet. "Claire what's wrong? " She said as she sat down on the bench beside me. "Are you really that afraid of blood? "

"I... Yes... No... No I'm not. " I started to lie but saw no point. I sniffed and wiped my face again looking down at the concrete outside the lab.

"Then what's wrong? " She said putting her hand on my shoulder. I looked at her when she touched me as I felt fresh tears coming.

"It's just that...I really... I miss Growlithe..." I said as tears streamed down my face. "It was all my fault... I should have never-" I stopped when I started crying more.

"You can always talk to me Claire talking about it will make you feel better I promise." She said as her eyes sparkled. I nodded and wiped my face once again.

"Okay..." I said as my face began to fade to its normal color and I fixed my makeup. "I will. " I stated.

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