Chapter 6

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For the first time, I was able to fall asleep effortlessly. Unfortunately, it was cut short when a struggle pulled me awake.

I sat up from my little bed of dirt and leaves to look around the dark forest. It was hard but I could make out two figures a little ways away from me.

When I looked closer I realized it was Wells and Bellamy. They got up and started to walk away and I couldn't help but follow them. They made their way towards a small clearing and I made sure to keep myself hidden.

"That's far enough." Bellamy says and Wells stops in his tracks and turns to meet Bellamy's eyes. "I don't want to shoot you, Wells." I try to hold in my startled gasp as I realize Bellamy is holding a gun. "Hell, I like you...but I do need them to think that you're dead."

"Why? Why are you doing this? For real, not some crap about getting to do what you want to do." Bellamy pauses at the question before answering vaguely.

"I have my reasons. I also have the gun. So, I ask the questions, and the question is, why aren't you helping me? Your dad banished you, Wells, and yet here you are still doing his bidding, following the rules. Aren't you tired of always doings what's expected of you? Stand up to him. Take off that wristband, and you'll be amazed at how good it feels." As Bellamy finishes his speech, Wells does not waver. Any fear he held before is no longer inside of him as he holds his ground.

"No. Never. Not going to happen. Is that clear enough for you?" He says without stuttering as Bellamy looks at him in disappointment. I can already tell that this is not going to end well.

They both believe strongly for different things, and that is one thing that you can never change for a person.

"Yeah, it is." He says slowly as he clicks back a part of his gun. "I'm sorry it had to be this way." My eyes widen at his sudden tone, there is no remorse in his voice.

He's not sorry that he's threatening Wells, he's sorry that for once someone isn't listening to him. Before I can jump in, he puts the gun in his back pocket and my shoulders relax.

The calmness doesn't last long as I spot Murphy and his buddies sneaking up behind Wells. When he notices them for himself he tries to run away, but another comes out of nowhere and blocks his path.

They're going to force the wristband off of him and that is when I can't take it anymore. They grab his and pull him down as I run out from my hiding place.

"Bellamy!" I scream and he turns around in shock to see me running towards him. "You can't do this!"

"Heather? I thought you were on my side." He questions as I stand in front of him, his boys stopped their actions, instead holding Wells from running away.

"I'm not on anyone's side. I never have been." I pause and turn to look at Wells. "But, I can't let you do this. It's one thing to help liberate people, but you can't force it upon those who don't want it!" I turn back to him and he does not look happy but I don't stop.

"You can take off ninety nine wristbands, who cares if you leave one on. You think the ark is going to take a one in a hundred chance? If everyone else is dead they won't follow." I finish and look at him with pleading eyes but his expression stands unwavering.

"I'm not willing to take that chance." He looks back at his boys. "Take it off."

They start to struggle as Wells fights back, yelling for them to stop but they don't. I feel helpless standing and watching them push him into the ground as Murphy gets out his knife.

I don't care about Wells, hell, I don't even like him but this is wrong. I know it is. I turn back to Bellamy.

"Please." I mutter, I can barely hear it myself but he does and just shakes his head slowly. They put Wells hand on a rock and start to pull at the metal. I close my eyes, my insides twisting at the sounds of his cries. I open them when I feel a hand wrap around my arm and tug on it. Bellamy has a firm grip on my upper arm as he starts to drag me away.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I struggle, trying to pull my arm from his grip but he doesn't let go.

"We're going to have a little chat." He says without looking at me, pulling me closer to the dropship.


The last place I want to be is in the dropship. It's a concrete reminder of my past and all the years I spent in a cell. Even worse, I'm sitting in it with Bellamy across from me, watching me like a hawk waiting for it's prey to show weakness.

Unfortunately for him, I won't be showing my weaknesses anytime soon. At least, I hope not.

When he realizes that I'm not going to be speaking anytime soon, he makes the first move.

"I have a question." I don't answer. Instead I stay seated without looking at him, leaning against the ship wall with my arms around my knees. "You were locked up, you hate the ark, you say you're on my side...and yet you still defend the Chancellor's son?" I still don't answer him and he sighs.

"Heather, you were locked up for a long time-" For the first time, I look at him.

"How would you know that? I only just met you and haven't told you anything about myself. You don't even know if Heathers my real name." He gives me a soft smile before answering me.

"Not once did I ever see you on the ark. Believe me, I would remember your face. That tells me that you've been locked up most of your life." I turn away once again in embarrassment.

I don't want people to know how long I was locked up or why. That being said, he has a point. No one knows who I am. They all grew up together, taking the same classes and eating meals side by side. It's a wonder no one has asked me sooner.

"Why do you care, anyway?" I mutter looking in his direction but without looking into his eyes. He tilts his head as if trying to look into mine, but I don't let him.

"I don't want the ark following us and I don't think you do either." He pulls out a knife from his back pocket and holds it up for me to see. "I can help you take it off."

The gesture is tempting and every muscle in my body wants me to go through with it, but there's still a nagging in the back of my mind.

He's still on the ark, I think to myself, If they think we're dying, he'll never come down after me.

It's been almost sixteen years, he won't be the same boy I knew. That's the only thing that allows my body to stand up and walk towards and smirking boy. He takes my outstretched hand in his and slips the blade underneath the rough metal.

"This is going to hurt." He says softly and I bare my teeth, waiting for the tug of my healing skin. He starts to pull and the needles in my wrist shift, making my hiss in pain.

The metal starts to bend and crack under the pressure until it pops off and hits the floor with an echoing thud. I clutch my wrist with my other hand, rubbing it to try and sooth the throbbing pain.

I look back at him and he gives me a small smile before standing up and walking across the ship. Before I can open my mouth to speak, a girl walks into the ship wearing very few clothes.

She looks fairly excited before spotting me in the corner. When she does, her nose scrunches in disgust as she looks me up and down.

"You can go now." I hear a deep voice coming from behind me. I turn to see Bellamy, standing with his arms crossed, eyeing the girl.

I scoff, realizing the events soon to play out, before making my way to the front of the drop ship.

"Gladly." My voice laced with poison as I bump shoulders with the girl now approaching Bellamy.


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