It's been along time coming:

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As each heal hit marble, 
the balls of sweat underneath her armpits perspire the closer she got to the entrance of the real world.

It's been along time coming was the song that radioed over and over again in her head, piled with negative thoughts of the exit being locked, and skinny pimp over dosed in pride for his visits was slim as his dick!

Exhaled as she stopped in  her tracks for a sip of water from the wrong fountain! 

Hey" hey " young lady said the black hall monitor; 
You might be a Lil intoxicated, for we can't drink from that there fountain!

Queen bee felt the need to show the man stuck in slavery that them ol times been over while cracking a smile over looking his suspenders, for he was really jacked up.

Rinsing her mouth from the led base taste,  the sunshine beat skinny pimp once again thought the new and improved Qween Bee of DETROIT.

Sqeeling tiers before she could even  spark her virgina slim menthol
Qween bees 5 years clean had just begun.

No matter the conversation,  nor the 79 Cadillac impala sounds impressed her, the song played over and over in her head as she got closer to the airport before her time expires.

Not much of a welcome home gift from skinny she thought while glancing at her recovery pendants from the last 9 years.

He looks like he's still in the game but the rules must have switched, for mope wasn't our lingo , hype ruled the blood in the veins , thought the real plug of the streets.

Hey pimp u don't look so hot said Qween bee, while rolling her lip gloss with an attitude. 

Nawl Nawl naw Bee,

They cutting the shit, and to be honest, nobody knows what they getting out them trenches, said skinny pimp while dropping his eyes but regaining control of the wheel.

Reaching in his dusty Cordarone jacket, skinny pimp pulled out the new beginning of a never ending called speed balling!

The sweatballs that was under her arms, went strait to her mouth.

Pimp , now why would you drive dirty to pick me up from a mutha phucking rehab with the latest dope in Detroit?

Nawl, nawl, naw , Bee I was rushing , and the bitches,
Well the bitches don't work how they used to work when you was home, high or not!

Look u see i had to upgrade my car shoot , them young hoppers taking over. They got more money, more products,  more everything bee, said pimp , loosing all of his pimpology !

Pimp you lost it, we will tend to that after court,
Just get me to the airport safely,  said Qween Bee, while looking at the sky line knowing that she was closer to her heart beat once again.

It's been along time.
Along time coming,
And I nooooo
A change gone come.
In her voice....

Oh yes it is.....

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