Chapter 32 (Stormshade's honour)

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"Stormshade!" Birchfur wailed. "Snowpetal's kitting!" Stormshade rushed over. The queen looked tired. Snowpetal groaned. Violetpaw stared in horror. "I don't know what to do!" She wailed. Stormshade didn't answer. Frostpelt licked Snowpetal's head softly.  "Your first kit is almost here." She whispered. Birchfur stared. He looked terrified and upset that he could not help with his kits. "A she-cat!" Purred Stormshade, she bit the sac and a kit slid out. The kit mewled and pressed close to Snowpetal's chest. Another kit slid out. "Another she-cat!" Purred Stormshade. Another kit slid out into the nest. "Another she-cat!" Purred Stormshade. The last kit slid out, it was small. "A tom!" Stormshade purred, Birchfur nuzzled Snowpetal's cheek then the kits. Frostpelt broke into a purr. Stormshade saw their colours now. One she-kit was white and orange, another white with gray stripes on her tail, the other was a dilute calico with white and the tom was white and shaded with gray. "What should we name them?" Asked Snowpetal. "How about Daisykit for the white and gray striped she-kit and the tom can be Arctickit." Mewed Birchfur. "And the white and orange she-kit will be Softkit and the gray, orange and white one will be Petalkit."  

Two nights later, Stormshade couldn't sleep. Violetpaw snored quietly and Mousefoot - Stormshade treated him after being bitten by a rat- was sleeping beside Violetpaw. Stormshade heard a voice. "Kill. Kill. Kill." It said. Stormshade backed away. What was happening? Then there was a  shape was visible in the moonlight. "Dark Shadow?" Whispered Stormshade. The tom was black with dark amber eyes. He had tree scars. One across his eye. Another on his back and the last one on his leg. Dark Shadow screeched in pain as a ghostly pale dappled she cat struck a blow on his neck. He leaped. Stormshade wailed as his claws scraped her flank. Another cat, a ghostly ginger and white tom, pinned him down. Dark Shadow fled, shrieking. "Can't you fight?" Mewed the tom, he looked irritated. "No. I'm a medicine cat." Stormshade explained. The she-cat looked confused. "A medicine..... what?" The she-cat mewed. "What should we do with her, Leopard Shadow?" The ginger tom asked, his blue eyes glowing. Leopard Shadow tipped her head. "We should take her to Tiger Strike. She seems harmless." The tom nodded. "Fox Fire, can you tell Tiger Strike a visitor is waiting?" Leopard Shadow asked. Leopard Shadow's dappled leopard coat was glowing. Am I asleep? Wait.. No! Don't take me! What about Violetpaw? She's not fully trained! And Mousefoot isn't well and Violetpaw doesn't know how to treat him! And who is Tiger Strike??  Stormshade had a million questions to ask. Leopard Shadow's gaze fell on Stormshade. "What's your name?" She asked, the fur on her spine had stopped bristling. "Stormshade." Stormshade's mew was hardly more than a breath. "You shouldn't be here. You should know the DarkClan is dangerous." "Are you StarClan?" Asked Stormshade. "No." Mewed Leopard Shadow. "Well Stormshade. What are you doing at the border of LightClan and DarkClan?" Asked Leopard Shadow. "I fell asleep..." Began Stormshade. She was interrupted by a howl. "Cats of LightClan, gather beneath Sky-Rock for a Clan meeting." Said a tom. "That's Tiger Strike." Said Leopard Shadow. Tiger Strike rubbed his muzzle along Leopard Shadow's cheek. "Think of our kits. When will you and your brother stop hunting at night? I was worried." Tiger Strike mewed. Three small shapes moved. "Falcon Kit! Hawk Kit! Eagle Kit!" Purred Leopard Shadow. Eagle Kit was white with brown specks, Falcon Kit was gray and white and Hawk Kit was a light brown tabby with white. "Who are you?" Demanded Tiger Strike. Stormshade dipped her head in respect. "I'm Stormshade." Tiger Strike lifted his brow. "You're from the dangerous Clans aren't you?" He asked, his eyes narrowed. "They aren't dangerous!" Stormshade protested. "Oh really?" Tiger Strike challenged. "LightClan and DarkClan used to live beside the Clans. But they said they didn't need us, keeping them safe. So we left." He spoke the last few words bitterly. "WinterClan wouldn't do that." Mewed Stormshade. "WinterClan?" Tiger Strike mewed. "My brother was taken to that Clan.... Do you know Hailfur and Nightblossom? They're my niece and nephew." "Hailfur's dead. I'm so sorry." Mewed Stormshade. Tiger Strike shook his head. "We see the Clan cats after they die. He didn't come here."  Stormshade's heart burst with hope. "His daughters Frostpelt and Snowpetal have kits and his mate Cloudstorm wouldn't eat or drink. She's getting so weak since his death." Mewed Stormshade. "She must have been grieving." Leopard Shadow sympathized. Stormshade nodded. "Cloudstorm is still quite young." Mewed Stormshade. "I felt so bad for her." Leopard Shadow guided Stormshade away. "You will always be welcome here. But I can tell you want to go home." Her eyes were kind and gentle. Stormshade breathed and she disappeared. 

"Wake up." A small paw poked her in the side. Violetpaw! "You overslept. I hope I haven't interrupted you during a StarClan dream." She fretted. Stormshade cuffed her over the ear playfully. "No. Come on. Let's go see the elders." Palewillow coughed. "Snowpetal's kits are so cute." She wheezed. "Petalkit was here a few moments ago and dropped off this wet moss." Added Heronfeather. Stormshade felt a rush of love. "I love my Clan. This is where I belong." She whispered.

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