Mr. McKnight

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Today is going to be another busy day at work I can feel it in my bones. I'm thinking to myself as I'm running around my shop trying to get three different events of mine in order. I'm a event planner. No matter the event, I'm the girl to call. Phoenix is the name by the way and yes, its really my name.


I turned my head towards the person yelling my name and it's Dasha. The greatest assistant you could possibly ask for.

"Yes Dasha." I respond calmly despite my entire mood being the total opposite.

"I need you to relax girl. Your doing way to many things at once I mean, what exactly am I here for again if your going to do everything?" she responded with her head tilted to the side.

"You know what you are so right." I reply with a soft smile as I stop right in my tracks and take a deep breath.

"Better?" she responds with a smile.

"Much." I say without even opening my eyes.

I heard the soft wind-chime of my shops front door opening. I open my eyes and immediately forget where I am, what time it is, hell even what day it is. My mind was completely drawing a blank.

"Hello, welcome to Phoenix Events. My name is Dasha, how can we help you today?" Dasha responds politely and without missing a beat. Me on the other hand was still standing there lost.

"Hello. I had heard about this place through a few friends and was in the neighborhood and decided to check you all out." the voice responds. The voice is deep, close to a Barry White bass with a thick Baltimore accent underneath.

"Oh yes we are more than happy to assist. What type of event are you putting together?" Dasha had completely taken over the situation. She gestured for the person to follow her to her desk so she could grab more information. As she turned to sit at her desk she looked at me with big eyes and a huge grin. I managed to smile back and blink. Okay im back.

Clearing my throat I turned on my heels and went into my back office. I had to get myself together.


An alert on my computer. Dasha of course.

Dasha: Are you okay? You acted like you saw a ghost. Do you know this person?

Me: No I don't know them and yeah I'm okay. Let me know when they are about to leave.

Dasha: Okay, you'll love this project.

I decide to not respond because I want to speak with this mystery person before they leave. But for now I have to figure out why this person was able to get me off my guard so bad. I literally forgot everything in the world for a brief second.

Dasha: Finishing Up.

30 minutes had past since Dasha's last message. So more than likely she hook,lined and sinked us a new client. I looked myself over in the full length mirror. Todays choice was a pair of cream capri dress pants with a purple and teal floral blouse and teal dress flats. My hair was up in a tight ponytail with my wild curls pinned into a neat bun. I had two stray curls out on both temples to compliment my features. My full brown lips with a soft matte nude applied with arched eyebrows, two dimples and a beauty mark on the left side of my upper lip.

Walking out into the main shop holding my binder and planner I walked with the most confidence I could muster up. The mystery person looked up from Dasha and straight into my soul. I stuttered stepped a little but got myself together and cleared my throat. Takin my place next to Dasha placing my free hand on her shoulder softly for much needed balance.

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