A Meeting - L.O

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Loki's POV

It was a normal, boring day. That was, until my brother came bouncing down the hallway like a giddy child. With the added big goofy grim on his face. I sigh. "Brother! Mother and Father request you to the throne room. We have a surprise for you! He says. I roll my eyes. If it wasn't the crown, I wasn't interested.

But, I walked calmly to the throne room, Thor jittery behind me. The guards open the doors, revealing my parents talking to another couple, around their age.

Mother was first to spot me and wave me over. I plaster on a fake smile and complied. "Loki! Meet the king and queen of Hildnor." Mother introduced I smile at the couple.

"Prince Loki, of Asgard. It's an honor to meet you." I say. I bow to them. They return a smile. I heard some light footsteps, but did not think anything of it.

"Where is she?" My father asked. She? The king and queen looked around before the king chuckled.

"My apologies. Our daughter is extremely shy." The king said. Oh. I saw a flash of chestnut colored hair. I step back and tilt my head in order to get a better view of this daughter. I could see only a quarter of her face, not enough to make out details.

"Come on out, darling. I promise I don't bite." I say in a soft tone. A girl slowly emerged from behind her father. She was quite beautiful. Her copper eyes left a burning image in my head. A color I had not seen in any creatures eyes. Her embarrassed cheeks turned a rosy pink under her light make-up. I smile at her.

I might be mean and tough, but I always give someone a chance before judging. She returns the smile. A flash of hope ran across her eyes. Her father elbowed her. "Oh. Uh. Princess Melody. O-Of Hildnor." She spoke softly. She had a sweet voice. Light and high, like a child. There was a short silence as we stared into each other's eyes.

"Loki!" My mother call quite loud. I flinch back into the world. I turn to her. "The reason that they are here, is an arranged marriage. you and Melody." Mother explains. I smirk at Melody. She tries to cover her smile with her hand covered by the long sleeve of her dress.

"I don't object." I comment. Melody giggles. Mother and Thor smile while Father rolls his eyes.

"Well, the wedding is in two weeks. How about you show your betrothed around the castle grounds?" Thor suggests. Finally! The oaf has a good idea. Everyone turns to Melody.

"I do like horses." She leads on. I catch it.

"Then I shall guide you to the stables. Where the most valiant horses in all the land are taken care of." I say, holding my arm out for her. She accepts it.

We walk off in the direction of the stables.

Thor's POV

We watch them walk off, chatting. A satisfied smile lands on my face. I know they are going to enjoy marrying each other. Hopefully Melody softens Loki a bit with her quiet personality. I turn to my parents. "She's the one." I comment. Everyone nods in agreement.

Loki's POV

"These horses are gorgeous!" She compliments, petting a grey one. She turns to me. "Do you have your own?" She asks. I smile.

"Of course. I am a prince after all." I joke. She giggles. I take her hand and lead her to mine.

I pointed to the beautiful brown none. "That's her. My beloved mare, Estrid." I say. Melody gasps in delight.

"She's beautiful." She comments. I nod. I walk over and stroke Estrid's nose. She neighs happily.

Can you tell I'm running out of ideas?

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