Untitled Part 11

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                 Robert John Munro

The Chopper hovered overhead, the waters icy cold

A man was missing, feared dead, but his story must be told.

His name was Robert John Munro, he disappeared, left no trace

Robert was a slave to alcohol, the signs showing on his face.

Ten years before his wife had died, his soulmate and his friend

Cancer struck so suddenly, in three months she met her end.

With no family he was on his own, no friends to share his pain

His sorrow drowned in alcohol, he would never be the same again.

Happiness to deep despair, how far a man can fall

The life of Robert John Munro, should be a lesson to us all.

Lovely home to one bed flat, shop doorway's on the street

The public watched with uncaring eyes, as he begged for food to eat.

We all know Robert John Munro, there are many in your town

Look into his eyes, he could be you, as he lay's his cap upon the ground.

The Chopper hovers, a body found, a lifeboat on its way

To recover the body of a broken man, Robert John Munro died here today.


Goodbye my pal my quirky friend

God speed ye on yer way

Respect and love tae you I send

On this your final day.

Decades long we walked together

From boys we grew to men

Looking out for one another

On you I could depend.

So, haste ye off tae heavens gate

Or where yer journey ends

I will bide and await my fate

I will miss you my old friend.

                  Podger Bailey

Podger Bailey stared into space

Through his eyes I could read his mind,

20,000 men had died in this place

Thousands more injured or blind.

His stare was dead, his skin was cold

Gripping his hand I made to speak

Memories gathered of stories yet untold

In this deadly game of Hide and Seek.

"Come old friend its time to go"

The words just came to me

"Breathe deeply Podger, keep your head low

we'll be sharing a dram by tea"

But Podger would not keep our date

For as the trench we prepared to leave,

A bullet would decide his fate

From war there is no reprieve.

So, pass my old friend to that other place

Where in time we shall meet again,

And our souls will once again embrace

A Scottish Highland Glen.

Thank You For Reading.

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