Chapter 20. I'll show you something big!

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Mike felt a slight dose of euphoria, and his ego got a huge boost from seeing her respond as he had taken off his shirt. Many years experience of dealing with the opposite sex's appetite for romancing a famous, or if rather, infamous lead-singer, told him that Sam was not as unaffected as she wanted him to believe.

His heart rate sped up as he thought about holding her in his arms, kissing her, and the best part of all, making love to her.

God, what he wanted that. If it hadn't been for all the others guys in the back, he would have tried romancing his way into her knickers right here on the plane.

Feeling an oncoming hard-on announce itself in his lower regions, he had to quickly change his train of thoughts and think of a potential turn-off, so he forced himself to think about his latest ex-girlfriend.

The biggest diva and movie-star bitch on this side of the galaxy.

Now when he saw Sam in front of him, with her beautiful face, lovely hair and so adorable smile and laugh, he could not for the world understand how he could have dated that scarecrow in the first place.

"Well?" he inquired as he turned around, once again deliberately showing off his muscular chest to her at the same time as he wondered how the hell she could not know about his tattoo. It was about the most famous tattoo in the rock and roll business.

"It's...nice," she huffed out, her voice trembling slightly. He had probably the most well built upper-body she had ever seen in her entire life and she did not even dare to think about his lower half. Inwardly she cursed yet another round.

"Nice?" he gave out a small laugh. His tattoo was praised by fans all over the world and fellow rockers, but 'nice' wasn't one of the words they had used." Is that all?"

"I guess so." her words became just a soft whisper as she sunk back into her seat. This just wasn't fair. She just wanted to scream at him for being so ruthless to her, a small urge of planting a hard fist in his handsome face also emerged inside of her."Well, it is kinda big too," she then added.

Mike grinned with satisfaction, slowly putting on his shirt again. I'll show you something big!

Deliberately ignoring to button up the last two buttons on his shirt, he again reached for her hand and took a steady grip around it.

Sam reacted by stiffening in her seat as she tried to yank her hand back.

"Don't panic, honey. I'm not dangerous or anything," he murmured and loosened the grip just a little, looking straight into her eyes, "Is this uncomfortable for you?"

His low voice and his warm touch had a devastating effect on Sam, her eyes darting back and forth between their entwined hands and his captive and sensual eyes.

She could hear her own heartbeats throbbing in her ears and she felt a bittersweet ache down in her womb. The fantasies that started to play inside her head made her cheeks heat up and she looked the other way when she answered to him.

"No, it's not. But I have to wonder why..."

"Why?" he raised an eyebrow at her, then he looked at their hands wrapped together,"This?"

Sam nodded.

"Because I want to," he leaned closer breathing the words low into her ear.

Closing her eyes, Sam shuddered with delight when his lips almost brushed against her ear.

She couldn't believe it.

"You want to?"

Slowly opening her eyes, she then found herself drowning in Mike's deep and penetrating gaze.

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"Yes," he said shortly with a low husky voice.


"No, I'm serious..."

"Me too."

"Sammie..." Mike groaned and his eyes darkened considerably."Drop it, okay," his grip around her hand got firmer as he said it.

"Okay.." Sam mumbled under her breath.

"But don't tell the others. It will ruin my bad reputation." he then added with a sly grin and a wink at her.

The way he looked at her made her feel like she'd been kicked in the heart, and her breathing became shallow and strained. A small smile spread in her face as he'd mentioned that reputation thing and she shook her head.

"Okay I won't. I promise."

She relaxed a little and gave his hand a squeeze back. This actually felt good. Very good.

Mike  sunk back in his seat and closed his eyes. Sam gazed carefully at him and gave out a silent sigh. He was so darned handsome it was criminal. His chest rose and fell as he breathed relaxed and his facial features looked so calm.

She shook her head marveled. How come he wanted to sit with her and not with his friends? And he  wanted to hold her hand too. Sam was perplexed.

Her gazed fell upon his mouth, his sensual lips. God, she really wanted to kiss him. Really, really wanted to kiss him.

As if he felt her gaze and heard her thoughts, he suddenly and unexpectedly opened his eyes and gave her a roguish grin.

Sam almost jumped in her seat and she gave him a soft playful swat with her free hand.

"I thought you had fallen asleep, you son of a...." she said hissing through her teeth,"You scared me."

Mike chuckled and his eyes sparkled with an intensity that Sam  never seen before."You enjoy this, don't you?"she huffed out a little angry.

He winked at her, and his deep blue eyes told her yes, but he didn't nod his head at her."Don't get me wrong now. Yes I do. And when I say I do, I mean I enjoy being with you, not to scare you, okay?"

Sam shook her head in disbelief. Not believing a word he said, she felt anger pool inside of her. Now she was quite fed up with this, he was taking her for an idiot obviously.

"What a piece of crap!" she spat out, feeling a bolt of rage towards him,"You really must think I am an idiot, huh?"her voice a few pitches higher,"Don't you think I know you're just making fun of me? I'm just a simple crew-member for cryin' out loud, a plain Jane, you can not enjoy being with me. My god, you're Mike 'the Snake' Aaron for heavens sake..."

She slumped back in her seat as in defeat and snorted loudly. Finally! There she told him.

The reaction from Mike came instantly and took Sam completely by surprise. With nostrils flaring and eyes filled with oppressed anger, he pushed himself from the seat and drilled his eyes into her.

"Stop that, right this instant!" he growled and took a steady grip around her shoulders almost shaking her, his eyes clouded over with built up rage "Don't talk about yourself like that," The tone in his voice drawing stares from the others in the band, but he didn't care."And you are definitely NOT a plain Jane, Sam."

" Yes I..."

"Shut the fuck up!" he hissed through his teeth and shook his head at her, "You are beautiful,Sam. Don't think otherwise. Never do that."

Sam's mouth fell open. You are beautiful, Sam. She stared at Mike with huge eyes. Did he really say that?

Mike's posture eased a bit and he allowed himself to smile a soft smile at the baffled look she sported on her face.

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