had to see him.

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Note: im writing this whilst in the middle of an anxiety attack so if this chapter is shit sorry

Also i know my i's aren't capitalized but i don't give a shit sorry!

Stan held Richie's hand close to his heart.

"Lamas are idiots." said Stan stubbornly.

"You're still stuck on this lama thing aren't you?" Said Richie laughing slightly

"Yes, i mean why do they even exist... what's their purpose?" asked stan truly confused.

"Their purpose is to be cute animals made to be put on merchandise for millennial women to buy." said Richie keeping his gaze on the path before them.

"Seems legit." Laughed stan, he leaned over and kissed richie on the cheek. "Hey is everything okay? You've seemed a little off lately."

"Yeah I'm fine, it's just i wanna see Eddie but i don't think i should." Richie said quietly staring at Stan's face expectantly.

"I don't think you should either." said Stan blankly

"What?" asked Richie "Why not?"

"I don't want you to get hurt again Richie." Started Stan "chances are if he hurt you twice he's going to want to hurt you again. I think it's best if you just stay away."

"Listen I don't want anything with Eddie, I just wanna see him. I know this might sound crazy but he used to be my best friend and I miss him." Said Richie softly

"Okay... um can we just forget about this please." asked stan coldly

"Anything for you my cute, squishy, adorable boyfriend who I love so much!" said Richie pulling Stan in closer

"You're too much Richard." Stan whispered leaning over to kiss Richie

--2 days later--

Richie knew it wasn't right but he didn't care that much at this point he just had to see him.

He had to see Eddie.

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