Mao Mao jumped off his aerocycle on to the dragon while unsheathing his blade, which he lodged into the dragon
"What the-" Mao Mao didn't even have time to finish his sentence before getting whipped off of the beast
"I got you!" Badgerclops caught him and set him on the ground
"Thanks, guess I owe you one." Mao Mao said dusting himself off
"You bet." He said grinning mischievously
"Let's just get my katana please?" Mao Mao groaned as he jumped onto badgerclops
BC threw him back onto the beast
"Mao Mao! Catch!" Adorabat throws Mao Mao his katana, which he thankfully caught
"DON'T DO THAT, ADORABAT!" Mao Mao shouted
"I'm sorry! I was just trying to he-" The monster chomped her
Mao Mao stared in horror "You dirty little..." Mao Mao yelled as he repeatedly stabbed the beast
Badgerclops had finished charging up his cannon and fired it
It was gone. It just evaporated. Mao Mao and Adorabat fell, but before they hit the floor Badgerclops grabbed them
Mao Mao hugged Adorabat tightly "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"
"I'm okay Mao Mao!" Adorabat giggled as she hugged him back
"Can we get ice cream now?" Badgerclops said excitedly
"I'm already too cold, we don't need ice cream." Mao Mao grunted and hopped on his aerocycle
"Hey! Hey!" Said one of the sweethearts
"Huh?" All of the heroes turned around
The sweetheart had to catch it's breath, after all it did have tiny legs
"For saving us, I made you a pie!" The sweetheart smiled and showed them the pie proudly
Badgerclops and Adorabat gasped "Thank you so much!" They both said
Mao Mao groaned and flew back to the house
"It was nice to meet you!" They flew away
Oh boy.
Word count: 270 words