(I dunno why, I'm just gonna write this in one sentence.)
So once there was a Flashgirl who had a race with another Flashgirl and one of the Flashgirls won and the other Flashgirl was sad so she made a potion that made her faster but she was so fast so all the other Flashgirls banished her from Flashgirl Planet and that fast Flashgirl went to Earth but people chased her around so she went to Saturn and all the people stopped chasing her so she went back to Flashgirl Planet but the other Flashgirls still rejected her because she was covered in snow so that Flashgirl went to Mars and all the snow melted and she went back to Flashgirl Planet and the other Flashgirls finally let her in and later another Flashgirl wanted to try the fast potion but she took the wrong potion and all the other Flashgirls became frogs so that Flashgirl who was still human became the queen of the Flashgirls and luckily after a while the other Flashgirls also became human but the Flashgirl was still queen and she was a mean queen so one day the other Flashgirls banished her to Earth and all the people chased her and meanwhile at Flashgirl Planet a Flashgirl thought of an idea to trap Queen Flashgirl and they locked every door and window on the planet and after a while Queen Flashgirl ran back to Flashgirl Planet but the entrance was locked and she waited for three hours then she finally apologized so the Flashgirls let her in but she could not be queen anymore and the Flashgirl who came up with the idea to lock the windows and the doors became queen and all the Flashgirls lived happily ever after.
= 3 =
Welp, I hope ya like it