10: The Summer Solstice pt. I

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Knock, knock, knock.

Maren turned over in bed, blinking herself awake. The lavender beginning of morning was so quiet that the next knock on the door made her sit up. In one motion, she'd peeled off the covers and leapt out of bed. The warm marble floors comforted her bare feet, the rest of her body relaxing while she silenced her breathing and pulled the handle. To be sure, she cast a glance over her shoulder at her view outside. The treeline was black against the purple and peach sky. The sun was soon to rise. It was too early for Emberlynn, who strolled in when the birds began to sing. It was also too early for Namjoon to march around her corridor.

Vernice's cold blue eyes were wide open as she shoved into Maren's room. Her dark cloak billowed as she walked and whipped around. Black dust and dirt stained the knees and hem of her nightgown. Flakes of ash greyed her pretty hair. But she panted and keeled over to cough, both arms snaking around her slender chest.

Maren shut her door, locking it and then rushing to her friend. She laid a hand on her back, patting her so that she could get the smoke from her lungs. When Vernice stood, Maren wrapped her in a hug. "I swear, only you could do this! Only you could survive the night!"

Vernice hugged her back with one hand, clearing her throat. Her voice was harsh. Rubbed dry from the thickness of the night air. "I've never seen anything like it. Everything was different. Everything."

"I'm just so glad you're safe," cried Maren, squeezing her even tighter.

Vernice giggled softly, pulling away. "Someone's taken a liking to me, hm?"

"You were the one that proposed friendship," said the maid. Maren gently removed a piece of ash from her ponytail.

"You certainly took advantage," Vernice said. Without another word, she raised her other hand. The mirror shimmered in the rays of dawn, rubies and all. The girl handed it over, her normally skeptic face so smug that she almost seemed an entirely new person.

Maren gasped, hands trembling as she reached for it. "You did it... but how?"

"Silence and listening. That's how."

The maid raised an eyebrow. "And did you see him? The masked man? Did you see Namjoon?"

Vernice shook her head fervently. "I thought someone would be roaming the grounds but I didn't run into a soul. Part of me wanted to look for the masked man though. It would have been my first time seeing a Fae creature like that, I think."

"Well, I'm glad you didn't. If he'd have caught you, you wouldn't be knocking on my door this morning." Maren held the mirror to her chest. She memorized the feel of it, the weight and width. If it provided as many gold coins as it weighed, the maid would walk away with heavy pockets. Hurriedly, she shuffled to her nightstand and opened the drawer. The mirror fit perfectly enough inside for it to close without being suspicious.

"You underestimate me," Vernice said.

Maren scoffed. "Obviously not anymore." She tried and failed to separate herself from her new treasure. She fixed the issue by leaning against the nightstand so that she would not be too far. "You're incredible. Beyond that, even. But now that we've gotten this far, we have to stay true to the plan. Well, I do."

Vernice wheezed when she breathed. "So what is your next step?"

"Leaving," answered Maren. "As soon as today's events end, I will find whatever horse I can. If there is no animal that can help me, I'll run."

Her friend chuckled. "Funny. I plan to leave too."

"Tonight?" Maren raised an eyebrow.

Vernice shrugged. "What is really left for me here if His Highness plans on playing matchmaker everyday?"

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