Now Available in Print & E-book!

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I am ridiculously excited to announce that you can now pre-order your own e-book (Kindle) copy of The Global Fellowship through Amazon!  Visit to get your copy today. 

You can also order your own print copy through Amazon at (Note that these are "smile" links so that your purchase can benefit your favorite charity!)

The Global Fellowship will remain on Wattpad for your reading pleasure, but as the first installment in The Infinitus Saga, I know that many people may want to have a copy of the novelette to include in their larger collection down the road. This is your perfect opportunity for that. 

If you pre-order/order now, you will have access to a "sneak peek" of the prologue of Infinitus! It is included in the back as bonus material. You'll get to see Gina again, get to see Tommy for the first time, and meet an entirely new character! 

Thanks for checking out my story and I hope that you enjoy what's coming next for The Infinitus Saga. 

The Global Fellowship: Prelude to The Infinitus SagaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum