*Bradleys POV*
"So do you want to go to the library?" I sighed to Tristan when I met him and Connor in the cafeteria.
"Hey curly, and why?" Tristan asked, his arm around Connors shoulders.
"English project? Remember?" I reminded him slowly as if I was talking to a 5 year old.
"Oh, right, yeah." He nodded "sorry babe, I need to go start my English project with curly, I'll come and see you before lunch is over." Tristan said to con, kissing his cheek.
"Oh okay, see you guys later." con waved to us before walking off to the lunch queue.
"Can you please stop calling me curly." I asked Tristan with a frown as we started walking towards the library.
"Hmm... Nah. I like it. You have curly hair therefore you should be called curly." The blonde shrugged, patting my head which made me whack his arm.
"Ow! What the hell was that for?" Tristan pouted, rubbing his arm.
"You touched me, don't touch me, I don't know when you last washed." I shivered slightly, Tristan rolling his eyes.
"OCD much." He huffed.
While we walked to the library all I could think about us how I could be staring at photos if Zac Efron, or Taylor lautner, or josh hutcherson (let's face it they're all goddamn fine) on my phone rather than having to write poems with Tristan Evans.
Remind me to stab mrs Murris ASAP.
No brad don't think about stabbing Middle Aged cat ladies that is not a nice thing to do.
May not be nice, but is productive.
Tristan opened the door and walked into the library, letting the door nearly close on me. Luckily it didnt.
I followed him over to one of the computers as I gott hand sanitizer output my bag and squirted some on my hands (AHahah squirted, good word that). I hate using public computers, because you never know who used them before you.
They might not have washed their hands that day.
"Are you gonna sit or are you just gonna stand there like a potato?" Tristan raised an eyebrow, gesturing towards the desk chair next to him which was identical to his.
"Er-um... Ill sit." I stammered awkwardly, slowly sitting down.
I turned on the computer, before I suddenly smelt something disgusting
"Oh my god Tristan, did you just fart?!" I asked in disbelief, turning to him in horror.
"No! That was not me!" He protested as I covered my nose with my sweater sleeve.
"Oh my god it was you." I gasped.
"No it wasn't! I swear down, it wasn't me. Trust me, you would know if it was me." Tristan assured me.
Then we both seemed to come to the same realisation as we turned in synchronisation to my left (to do left, to the left) where just a few seats away, another boy was sitting with an awkward an embarrassed blush coated on his cheeks.
"Yep okay it was him." I whispered to tris as he nodded.
Well that's the first time we've agreed on something.
sorry this is short but I'm tried and ugh so yano SORRY
Might do an update later to make up for it hmm idk
So. How's ya life?
Don't really have much to say tbh apart from that my French teacher scares the fuck out of me a lot.
Just thought I'd share that.
Lets all go cry tears of joy and proudness
Would you rather be sexually attracted to fruit or have Cheetos dust permanently stuck to your fingers? Why?
My answer:
Be sexually attracted to fruit.
Because 1) I technically already am (bananas, if you get meh)
2) I'm quite OCD and I like to have clean hands, so it would be hell for me having Cheetos dust permanently on my fingers.
Don't do drugs kids, get high on life.

I Bet You Shower Naked || Tradley AU
Fanfiction❝Do you believe in love at first sight?❞ ❝I don't know curly, that's pretty debatable, but in this case it certainly was.❞ ❝What?❞ ☯ // warning: pretty slow updates //