Bust Your Kneecaps

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I know, I am a terrible author, I haven't done much this summer but I am getting back into it. This was a request from Garnetgogames13 who requested a mafia based one-shot. I hope I did their idea justice and I really hope you enjoy it. Please send me requests if you would like, I love hearing from all of you, it really gives me incentive to keep this book going. Enjoy the chapter xxx


(y/n) pov

"I won't ask again Sam," Dad said with a glare, the foot on the side of the man's face adding more weight, "Where is my money?" His voice was a snarl at this point. I knew from a young age not to get on my father's bad side. He would never hurt me, but I never gave him the reason to. The man on the floor, bloodied and bruised, was Sam Harley. The poor guy was down on his luck after he'd gambled away the entirety of his family's life savings, known as a dumb drunk, nobody would hire him, leading him to ask for a loan from dear old dad.

My father was the leader of the biggest and roughest gang to grace North America, he had always been part of the business, taking over from his father, my beloved Grandpa. Grandpa was sat at my side, my hand resting on the arm of his wheelchair, his own resting on top of mine. He hated me having to look at this, but dad thought it best. Even though I was far too young to take over, my uncle being next in line, he wanted me to know the ins and outs of the 'company'.

I knew how to get information from 'clients' in the most gory ways possible, I knew how to hunt a person down, the hidden tricks that a man on the run would leave behind. I could break bones fairly easily, give a man three times my size stitches and intimidate a crowd with a simple glare. Sam spat blood as uncle kicked him in the gut, "I don't have it!" He finally yelled, looking anywhere but the two bulky men above him. "Where is it!?" Dad screamed, his patience quickly decreasing. "I lost it! There was race and I placed bets, I lost everything!" Sam wailed, the pain of his broken nose becoming far to much. 

Dad looked furious, I knew not to move, not to even breathe, as he picked up a shotgun, pointing it at Sam's head. "Then you are no use to me, at least by dying your wife and children will be better off," He spoke coldly, shooting Sam before he had the chance to call out. I didn't wince, neither did Grandpa, but mother was looking away and into the corner, where the younger kids were. I wasn't the eldest by far, being only thirteen, but I was still heir to the throne. If you could call being the leader of a Mafia group, royalty, although, it might as well be. 

Grandpa patted my hand, "I think it's time for lunch (y/n)," He said, even if he wasn't necessarily in charge anymore, he still held power over my father and uncle. They instantly dropped their stony stares and business mode changed to family mode. Dad wrapped his arm around my shoulder as Uncle took hold of Grandpa's wheelchair, leading us to the kitchen. We all lived in the headquarters of the gang, not for financial reasons, but because it brought us closer to being a family. The members of the gang stick up for one another. 


Sat laughing around the dining table, eating, joking around, anyone would think of us as a normal family. Grandpa telling us stories from 'the good old days', mother complaining about what dad is teaching me, Uncle and dad being at eachothers' throats in the way only brothers know how. Nothing was wrong to me, I mean, other than the illegal gang thing. Speaking of which. Dad suddenly paused.

"(y/n), go and hide, right now," He gave me the look that said, 'don't argue with me', I took the hint, grabbing the emergency bag and hiding in the hidden space between the walls. The younger recruits were already in the room, I watched through the small hole in the door as six children, about my age, came tumbling through, all of them in domino masks. Uncle didn't take them children seriously, but I knew who they were. They were all over the news, constantly, The Umbrella Academy. 

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