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Chapter: Prologue start

Fredbear pov

December 4th  1983 that cursed day wich took everything away from me. I still remember that day like yesterday everything... The screams of horror, the guards voices... and that terrified glance in his eyes.

The kids begs and cries to be let go by the boys with the masks. I heard it all and couldn't do anything. Couldn't move, scream or beg them to stop whatever they were doint. He and i could only watch everything happen like dolls on shelves. Unmoving.

I didn't even mean to bite the kids head!
And yet they didn't care they just took everything from me... Everything i loved and everything i care for. Springbonnie, my show and the kids laughs. Now they've just replaced us with those toy things.

Like seriously are they supposed to be childrens entertainment or a bunch of stripper machines for adults? I really, really don't know. I wonder what happened to Springbonnie did he get scrapped or did they just send him to another pizzeria?

I really wish he is alright... Unlike me small parts are missing and my bright golden color has gone grey.

A/N I have come back now with less sense in my head. What do you guys think of the updated prologue?

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