Chapter three
I wake up in the middle of the day to the annoying sound of birds LITERALLY chirping in my ear. I think about eating one but don't. 1. Because we are forbidden to eat during sleeping hours unless an emergency (which their isn't). And 2. Because we're not supposed to hunt without a pack's permission (doesn't matter what pack).
So I just start thinking about the hunt with Swift's pack. I remember the deer we had hunt down tasted insipid. I'm glad Swift isn't here in my mind to question my 'complicated words.'
Swift would always ask for the definition of each word. Then Swift would say 'You learn something new every day!' I learned something new, others can ALWAYS be more annoying than you thought.
My eyelids are starting to droop. I look around and see Swift sleeping with her muzzle under her tail. So cute I almost wish I....
"Wake up Slick! Your mother's leaving to go back to your home!" I wake up to Swift's voice as she is trying to bark in my ear and jump on my tail at the same time. Ridiculous!
"I'm UP! I'm up," I growl, "Do you know if you can come with us?"
Swift looks at me with a satisfied look, "I'll go ask my mum." I watch as Swift walks into her ma's den.
I like how Swift has draped some long grasses held by mud over the entrance of the den. I wish I could do that!
I'm just about to give up waiting when Swift comes bounding out of her ma's den looking proud, "I persuaded my mum to let me come, and guess what? She said I could stay as long as I want! She said I need to start thinking of finding a mate!"
Ugh! Who wants a mate now?

AdventureAs I try to figure out what happened to sis, it suddenly pops into my head. Sis has run away so she could live without me! Sis ran away thinking ma would kill me. Nice try sis, but why tonight? We are supposed to get our names tonight! Again, a thou...