ashamed of me? { lando norris}

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 You end your lessons on high school and now you're stand with your friend on school's parking, where are a lot of cars, but no one is your. In the school are a lot of rumors and you are in, because one of the most gosip girls saw you on the date with your actuall boyfriend Lando. Everyone talked about it for a week, and this isn't be nothing speciall, but Lando is Formula 1 McLaren driver what make a big sensaction in your school. Exactly everyone asked you about him, what he likes, what he like to do, how he is? You don't want to talk with this people, but they don't understand you.

 Your best friend talk about last party, where she started know more "famueos" people from yours school. She very like a guitar player, Marco, but she are too shy for talk with him.

" What schould I do y/n? Honestly, I very like him"

" If I know, I told you, but unvortunally I don't, sorry y/b/n"

 You start to go on the bus, cause you end lessons, but your best friend stop you.

" Wait y/n! Is this Lando here?!"

" What are you talking about?"

" Look "

 You turn around and see a black McLaren car of your boyfriend. You are so surprised, because you don't know that he know which school you go, and you don't asking for it. You came to him, and give a hug.

"Hey, honey" He kiss your forehead" It's surprise for you!" You rolled your eyes, and back of "Ey, you don't like it idea?"

"Lando, you schouldn't came to me"

"Why? Do I something bad?"

"No, you don't. By the way, thank you for coming to me"

 He look at another place and back of too. He put his hands on pucket and finally look at you. You don't like when someone talk about you or talk with you, because you have contact with someone who is higher than this people are. You very love Lando, but you'd aren't be in public with each other.

"Sure. Y/n what's going on? Please, tell me. Are you ashamed of me?"

 You see in his eyes this look what make you sad. You remind last week when he end of P18 and he was very sad, angry, and disappoietnd, and he has same look like now.

"What? Of course not! You know that I love you so much, and I will for hundred years. Nothing wrong, but I told you about rumors about us in my school. I don't like be in center of rumors, so you understand me. I wouldn't show us in public for some time? They will forget, and I will have peace"

On face of your boyfriend show a big smile. He hug you again and catch your hand.

"I love you too, till the end I will love you, y/n. Now cmon to car, we going to dinner"

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