Zelda sprang up on her bed to the sound of the loud chatter and fussing of men outside her pitched quarters. She had seemingly slept in to mid-morning, judging by the rays of sunlight slipping through an opening of the flaps of her tent. As the morning light lit her face, she gathered her senses as best she could.
Before she could figure out what all the hullabaloo was outside, she started at a sudden realization, the evening events from last night came crashing into her mind.
"Riju...Link! I must speak with him!" she exclaimed under her breath as she tossed off her sheets and rolled to the edge of the large mattress, about to leap off. With those memories in mind she made haste to slip into something more appropriate for the day.
Her belly turned with worry for the thought of her friend's recovery, and she was still bent on the way she treated Link and wanted to rectify any hurt she may have caused him. The words she spoke about him just the night before left a bitter taste in her mouth. She wanted to make it right. Even so, as much as she wanted to fix the misunderstanding between them, she felt guilty for not knowing how she might accomplish such a thing. It wasn't as if she lied...in fact, from a purely literal standpoint it could be said that she did nothing wrong. She told the truth, even if the truth was sometimes something least to be desired.
The princess cleaned her face with a basin of clear water and a washcloth provided by an Illiastar handmaiden. As she slipped out of her night gown and spun away from the bowl, face still dripping, she was surprised to find that a gift box was present at the foot of her bed on a fine oak trunk doubling as a table.
"I wonder what this could be?"she whispered.
Apprehensively, she crept up beside it to have a look at what it was. She lifted a single, well-trimmed brow in suspicion as she delicately opened the prettily-wrapped present. It was a velvet-colored box, tied by a shimmering gold bow that sparkled as the light touched it. What lay inside was even more ostentatious and beautiful – a fine dress of blue and white. Inside lay atop of it was a notecard, which could have only been penned in the hand of the Lord Simon of Illiastar himself.
Her eyes flowed over the letter as she lifted the alluring dress with one hand and the card with the other. It read:
"Dear Princess of Hyrule,
I couldn't help but notice a sour demeanor you expressed last night when your comrades left the tent. Please take this gift as a sign of my good will. I offer up my sincerest apologies. And please excuse me and my brother for any wrongdoing last night, or any ill words spoken to either you, your Knight, or your servants. I offer this precious gift as one of many, as penance for our behavior.
But, now that I have your attention, I must get something that I have been holding back off my chest. Something that I wasn't able to relay to you in person. I was not being entirely truthful when I said that this dress was for my sister. Although she is still coming, this fine piece of clothing was never meant for her. So long as we are being honest forthright, and to avoid any secrets between us, I had always truly intended on gifting this dress to you when you were found. It is a treasured heirloom that has been in the care of my family for countless generations, and it has been restored to its former glory from the finest dress makers and artisans in all of Illiastar – and of Hyrule, for that matter. It is the 'Sacred Maiden's Dress of the Princess' from even beyond ten thousand years ago, spun on the looms of the six maidens of legend themselves, or so it is said. Nevertheless, this is the 'Princess Dress,' and has been known as such for a long time. It lay safe in the care of my House for centuries over the span of millennia, never worn by anyone since its very first owner, the princess of legend...until now. It is my hope that you will do all of us the blessing of wearing it.
"I am certain it will fit and complement you perfectly, and it will magnify your angelic glow among us such that you will look even more stunning than you already are. There is no doubt in my mind that this dress was always intended for you, my dear princess. Now, once you have awoken and prepared yourself to your liking, it would be an honor if you might please accompany me in to rotunda on the bluff this afternoon. I'll have one of my 'Starsguard' stationed outside your tent, to escort you there when ready. I would very much like to discuss more matters with you, your grace. Of course, this matter can wait until you have finished tending to your injured friend.
Cordially your loyal servant and bannerman,
Simon – Liege Lord of the land of Bountiful and heir to the Crystal Palace"
Zelda shrugged and rolled her eyes as she dropped the letter back in the box. She didn't know what to make of his gesture, nor did she really care. She had far more important matters on her mind. One of which was her loyal and dying friend, and the other...Link...
Still, she didn't want to appear rude after promising that she would oblige his wish that she dress more appropriately to her status as a princess and...well, the dress was pretty. What could be the harm in wearing it? Though she tried to familiarize herself with the common folk by behaving as they did, and had developed a wonderful love for her modest people of the kingdom...deep down in her core, she still carried the memory of being a proud, young princess within her.
Wasting no time, for the day still awaited her, she called out to the handmaiden to help attend to her. She flung off her satin gown and the young assistant helped her to clothe herself in the illustrious 'Princess Dress.'
"It suits you, your grace. You look absolutely beautiful...like a portrait of the goddess," the girl chirped as she stood back to evaluate her princess.
'Why, thank you! It truly is a wonderful dress. isn't it?" Zelda said bashfully, a faint blush darkening her cheeks as she deflected compliment to the dress and not her own beauty.
It really was gorgeous and pleasing on the eyes, even she couldn't deny that. Blue and white – her most favorite colors of all. She couldn't help but smile wearing it. Perhaps it was because when she gazed upon the garment it brought back warm memories. Memories like the times she spent with Link, back when things were simpler. Memories like the time she first saw the Silent Princess flower blooming out in the wild of the open plains, before the scourge of the Calamity overtook everything. The dress bore the same colors as those flower petals, ribbons of ocean blue fading like a painter's brushstroke into the purest of pearl whites. Whatever it was, she felt a peaceful feeling while wearing the dress. It had a power to it. A subtle thing...but it was most certainly there, even if she didn't know exactly what the power was.
As she was about to step away, Zelda noticed a sparkle from within the box, gleaming from the corner of her eye, and she turned back to it with a bounce in her step. There in the box lay a necklace, one of the finest she'd ever seen, with a fiery red ruby set into a pristine gold chain. She was surprised that she had so nearly missed it.
Taking the ruby necklace, and quickly tying it beneath the white fabric collar of her dress, she also made haste to wear a pair of gold earrings accompanying the dress. The earrings were each fashioned into the shape of the Royal Crest of Hyrule, three stacked golden triangles. Fully dressed for the day, she felt ready to speak to Link and tend to whatever Riju might need for her recovery.
So she nodded farewell to the handmaiden, and opened the flap of her tent. Just as she did that, another thought came whirling into her mind. What was she doing? Even if she managed to mend the damage from yesterday, and go about things with Link as if nothing had ever been said, what good could come of her being so close to him? Why put the poor boy through the misery of a false hope? Or rather, perhaps more accurately stated, why was she allowing herself to believe in a false hope that by some miracle she might be allowed to stay by Link's side forever? That some distant piece of scripture, or ancient law yet undiscovered would be revealed at the final moment that there could be some way for her to keep her happiness and restore the kingdom...