🍋Kisame X Reader - "I'm going to teach you how to behave."

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[A/n: This request has been made by the lovely  princess-jinderella. Sorry for the long wait but I hope I got what you requested. Xoxo Naito!]

"Just admit it, you're a fucking weak kunoichi! You're better of being our maid."

I tensed up as Hidan started taunting me again. Ever since the mission turned south a few weeks ago he and Deidara were taking their turns tormenting me. If they weren't teaming up that is. And as if Hidan's presence wasn't annoying enough, the blond bomber stepped into the hideout livingroom.

"Don't taunt her hm. Before you know it she has you locked up in jail yeah," Deidara snickered as his own joke as he sat down on the couch where I had been reading, in relative peace that was.

I threw my book towards Deidara but the annoying blond was able to dodge it. "Watch it un! Before I make you a part of my art yeah!"

"Pff like you could barbie. Just go and fuck your little girlfriend over there," I said as I pointed towards Hidan.

I wasn't my typical self lately. As Deidara pointed out correctly, I had failed on our latest mission and indeed, Deidara and Hidan both almost were captured by ninja's from Konoha but we pulled through in the end and now, they were teasing me without rest about me being a failure. Being the youngest in the Akatsuki, let's just say it hurt if they called me that, and I reacted by going head to head with them. Much to the annoyance of the other members.

"Fuck you! You fucking blasphemous piece of shit kunoichi! You're not even worthy enough to be a sacrifice for lord Jashin!"

"That's it!"

I jumped the silver-haired Jashinist, throwing punches and kicks as we rolled over the ground. I was sitting on top of Hidan's chest, one hand holding a part of his hair while my other hand was balled in a fist and I punched him on the nose several times. It made a sickening sound bounce off the walls but I kept going, riled up by my anger and humiliation of being called weak.

"Almighty push!"

An invisible force pushed me from Hidan and I slammed against the wall with a loud bang. I saw stars before me and my head was pounding so hard from the impact but I couldn't even do anything when Pein already threw his next attack towards me. "Almighty pull!"

Pein's hand wrapped around my throat and he was scowling at me, his purple eyes drilling themselves in mine. "Haven't you, done enough?" Pein said as the pressure on my throat increased.

I couldn't reply and I fought against Pein's hand around my throat and the pressure on my windpipe. Black spots appeared before my eyes and slowly my hands started to lose their strength. My eyes started to flutter closed but just when I thought my last second was there, I heard a powerful voice speak to our leader.

"Let. Her. Go. Now."

I landed in Kisame's free arm, couching violently to try and restore my oxygen levels, while he had Samehada aimed for Pein's neck. "Never and I mean never touch her again Pein," Kisame threatened as he lowered Samehada and placed the sword back in the holder on his back.

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