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Weeks had gone by ever since Treston death. It hadn't gotten any better. I stopped eating any food that reminded me of him, which is a lot. He had a huge appetite and would anything. I spent a lot of time lying on the sofa just staring at the ceiling, trying to tell myself it's all a dream. We've all had nightmares right? I hoped everyday that I'd wake up from all the pain and suffering and see him once again. Of course, that never happened. Zara, Rohit, Nathan, and Allison haven't spoken to each other or me ever since Treston death, and I don't expect us to be speaking anytime soon. We all miss him dearly.

~5 months later~

I was unpacking my stuff for my dorm in my medical school late at night. I'd thankfully gotten a pretty good score on my MCAT, so I got into a medical school at one of the ivy leagues near by. I was almost finished putting my clothes in my drawers when I heard a knock on the door.

"Ainee? It's me. Nathan."

He sounded as if he was out of breath again and kept repeatedly knocking on the door. I scurried over to see why he was here. I hadn't seen him for several months, so I noticed he grew a beard and grew out his hair. He smiled slightly as he handed over a big envelope full of paper.

"Uhhmm, what's this?" I inquired.

He started looking at the floor sheepishly as he began talking.

"I- uh- I was cleaning out my dorm and I found this. I think you wanna read it."

I look at the thick stack. It was open and had Treston name and "April 26" written on it.

"I'm sorry I read it earlier today, and I thought you might have wanted to see this. Well I'll be going now." He told me as he turned on his heel and walked the other way.

"Bye...!" I call to him, then realizing he was out of sight.

I sat on the bed and inhaled deeply while reading what the envelope said aloud.
"Treston.... April 26..." I read. I stared at the orange envelope for two minutes. I had no idea what was inside, and I'm not sure if I wanted to know either. My fingers traced where he wrote his name on the top left corner. Memories came bombarding back into my mind. Those bittersweet 10 months of my life took a toll on my mental health once again. I could feel my face start to burn up as hot tears began to stream down my face. I watched as the envelope started to form dime-sized stains that were caused by my tears. I slowly opened the envelope and pulled out a letter that was addressed to me with August 26 as the date.

To Ainee Aug 26

Hi Aineeeeee. You're probably going to bully me for writing this to you, but it's fine. Below, I'm gonna tape some paper I found that was me ranting to myself about you on our first "date". Enjoy :)

Ainee was smart. She was really smart. Like really, really smart. She explains everything so well and clearly as if a fifth grader would be able to understand it. Sure, I know everything she's teaching me, but it gives me time to be with her. Yeah it sounds weird or whatever but I cannot stop staring at her. It's kind of creepy, and I hope she hasn't noticed this. She's so pretty though, it's kind of hard not to stare. She's kindhearted too. She's a whole 3 in one meal, haha! I had so much fun with her today after getting ice cream and teasing each other; I can't stop thinking about her.

I finished reading the first note and could feel my heart ache. I then took out the second letter which was shorter but much more dramatic than the first:

To Ainee Feb. 17

I know I've known you for only 9 months, but you're my best friend. And, I'm sure that one day, I'm going to marry you. By the time you see this, I hope we already are.

I stuffed the letters back into my envelope and seal it back together. This was hurting me too much. I rushed over to the bathroom where I could see my reflection. My tangled hair was sticking out from all sorts of direction and was stuck to my face due to my wet cheeks. My eyes were red, and I had snot running all down my nose. I quickly looked away from my vulnerable self and reluctantly placed the envelope filled with the papers in the sink. I then slowly turned on the faucet, letting the water ruin the letters Treston had written. I needed everything about him out of my memory because I knew he was never coming back. I watched as the water flowing onto the folder, making it seem like it was melting.

"What am I doing?!" I thought.
I scurried to shut off the water and picked up the soaking letters from the sink. The paper disintegrated within my fingers, and I instantly regretted my decision of discarding the letters. All my memories of him were completely gone now. I slumped out the bathroom and collapsed onto my bed while staring at the ceiling for hours. It made me realize how not okay I was. I turned my head a little to see a picture next to my lamp that I promised myself to never move until I left college. It was a picture of Treston is his graduation cap and gown. He still looked perfect, the cap suppressing his black hair into his eyes, and him showing off his killer smile.

"I promise...I'm never gonna lose this last part of you," I told him. And I didn't.

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