After the movie ended, Jennifer and I both exited the building. I offered her a ride since her friend was nowhere to be seen and after countless messages, it was positive that she ditched her. Even though we hardly conversed throughout the movie, I thought we made social progress.
"Before the night ends, I was wondering if you wanted to pick up some take-out?" I suggested.
"What kind of take-out?" Jennifer pleaded.
"South China,"
"Chinese food?" she questioned. "Normally I don't eat Chinese until the third date or so,"
"Oh, uh, I didn't intend for this to be, uh, date," I nervously stutter.
"Oh relax, Ajay,"
"Wait, who'd you call me?"
"Alex, you silly," she giggled as silence filled the car. "Well, the car won't start itself."
"Oh shit, my bad." I said as I put the car in drive.The way to South China was on the northside of town.
Don't ask me why South China was located on the northside of town. I have no idea why they decided to build it there of all places.After spending a whopping $34.54, I decided to call it a night since I wasn't entirely made of money. After the long, chat-filled drive back to Jennifer's, we both exchanged ideas for things to do over the summer and so forth. When we reached her house, I didn't escort her to the front door because of how nerve-racking it felt to just be in her presence.
"Thanks for the wonderful night Alex," she said. "I'm glad I have a friend like you on my side."
"Oh, yeah. Same goes for you." I said, trying to hold back the pain from that friend zone.
"Good night," she said as she made her way to her house. "I'll see you soon."
"Yeah, see you soon." I said to myself.I sighed as I slowly drove off into the night. I looked back at Jennifer as she entered her house, wondering how I fucked up a friendship with the thought of having a relationship with her. I questioned my own insecurities as I tried to breathe properly. It didn't work.
The night's sky was filled with dark clouds, slowly turning into rain. From the south, a large thunderstorm was brewing. Every so often, thunder would erupt but it sounded like it was miles away. Once I got home, I rushed to the front door and unlocked it. Before I could turn the knob, a loud bang emerged from my backyard. I knew it wasn't thunder; it was something else. I locked the door and slowly tip-toed my way around back. On the floor sat a gardening hoe which I picked up in the act of self-defense. The sound became louder as I kept walking and within seconds, I figured out that the sound was coming from the small shed that no one used in the far end of the yard. There was only one way in and that was through the front. I took a deep breath and tugged at the worn-out door. Before long, I found myself on my knees in pain. The pain I felt wasn't physical; it was mental. My mind felt cluttered with unwanted emotions. I didn't know what to do or what to think. Someone was implementing intrusive thoughts into my head that didn't seem positive one bit. I dropped the hoe and backed away from the door. With every step, my body felt more frozen due to the constant fear rushing throughout my body.
Just then, a loud noise rang throughout the town. The vehicles that sat on the curb throughout the neighborhood simultaneously went into panic mode, waking everyone from their deep slumbers. Dogs began to bark as if they saw someone... or something. Not long after, another final ear-splitting noise clamored once again, but this time, it came from the shed.
The entire town went into a panic. My neighbors started snooping around my house to see what the ruckus was about. As I tried to stand up, my vision worsened by the second. What now?
-End of Part One-

The Legends
Short StoryThis story is a sequel to "A New Beginning". Alex Ross recently moved out of his parent's house and into his own in a small town in Arizona called Pine Springs. Throughout time, the young adult discovers what lies beneath his small town. Can he unco...