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09. Exposed

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Ethan finished up his police report including his findings on the money laundering, information on the drug trafficking ring and Richard Faulkner's involvement in the case. There was definitely enough to put Richard behind bars but he was still disappointed in the outcome of the case. He felt as though there was something larger at play but he couldn't find any solid evidence to support his theory.

It was a Tuesday when he was scheduled to head into the police station. He had a meeting with the chief of police which was scheduled for later in the evening. There were certain procedures in place to avoid any suspicion and keep his cover.

Erica his handler would be taking him in under the guise of an arrest through the back doors to keep his profile low. Richard was scheduled to be taken in the following day based on his findings.

Ethan was guided up the stairs by Erica, his hands cuffed behind his back and a hoodie covering his face. He was directed forcefully towards an interrogation room, occasionally being shoved into the wall. The interrogation room sitting just off the main common area.

Once they were inside and the door was closed, Erica uncuffed his hands.

"Sorry about that," she said as they both took a seat. "You never know who is watching and it's quite busy for this time of night which is rare. I would have brought you in later if I knew."

A few minutes passed and the Chief of Police Kane walked in. An older man in his early 60's with thinning salt and pepper hair.

"Good job Ethan. I've taken a look at your initial notes and they are great. We have a solid case against Richard. I just want to go over and discuss a few points that you've outlined."

For the next few hours the Kane, Erica and Ethan went over notes, records and surveillance footage outlining in detail the entire case against Richard.

"Hmm... I see your point here," Kane pointed to a record that seemed out of place. "I'll have the men follow up on it but I want Richard taken down, even if we don't have his accomplices. Maybe we can get him to spill for a plea deal. Either way..."

Kane was cut off when the door to the interrogation room was opened. Standing on the other side of the door was a very confused looking cop holding on to non-other than Richard Faulkner.

"What the FUCK are you doing?!?" boomed Kane.

"I...I'm sorry sir, I got told to bring him into the interrogation room." said a very nervous, obviously junior cop.

Richard looked over at Ethan who was still sitting down at the desk and an unexpected laugh bellowed forth. The behaviour shocked everyone in the room who continued to stare at Richard.

An evil glint reached his eye before he said in a chillingly calm voice, "Oh you're dead Ethan."

"Get him the fuck out of here now" shouted Kane. The young cop proceeded to drag Richard from the doorway and down the hall, his cold laugh echoing through the hallway. "You're so fucking dead Ethan" shouted Richard.

Kane closed the door and turned around to face Ethan. "I'm sorry Ethan, he wasn't scheduled to be brought in until tomorrow. Whoever brought him in is going to get reprimanded."

"Fuck," said Ethan. "There goes my cover."

"Look, I want to relocate you, just for precaution," said Kane.

"I can look after myself Kane, you know this," replied Ethan.

"You're scheduled for some time off anyway. Once it's cooled down a bit you can get your next assignment." Kane said, packing up the papers on the desk. "I'll have the paperwork done up for your relocation in a few days. In the meantime, go home and pack, Erica will be in touch"

Kane walked out of the office and started yelling profanities across the room with his yelling getting drown out as he got further away.

"Make it somewhere sunny this time would you Erica," Ethan responded while walking out of the room hearing a slight groan from Erica as he closed the door.


What a fucking shit day, thought Ethan. He collapsed back on his bed and placed his arm over his eyes. The death threat by Richard didn't phase him that much. He had heard worse and it wasn't the first time people threatened him.

His thoughts drifted back to Raelyn and he pondered whether she would be in danger from his cover being blown. The more he thought about it the more he decided that she was likely safe. Richard had only seen them together once outside of the coffee shop and he probably just thought it was a random hookup anyway. He wasn't the only one who would have noticed her hot body.

This could be good for him, thought Ethan. The chance to have a break from work and get his mind off Raelyn. In a couple of months, he would be back on another job anyway. That thought put his mind at ease and slowly he drifted off to sleep.


A few days had passed and Raelyn walked through the university entrance for the last time. She had yet to tell Amber, Chase and Marcus about the situation with her Aunt and Ethan. It took her a few days herself before she felt strong enough to face them. Luckily it had been a weekend and she had managed to avoid them.

She had just come out of the university reception after resigning from her course when she bumped into Amber. Raelyn smiled at the deja vu, reminding her of the first time she met Amber when she bumped into her outside this very office.

"Raelyn," Amber screamed. She was always so happy to see her and she would miss this. Raelyn knew it wasn't the end of their friendship but knowing how much she would have to work to support Aunt Claire she knew her time would be limited.

"Amber, can we have a chat? There is something I need to tell you," said Raelyn.

Raelyn noticed Chase and Marcus coming up close behind her. "You guys too if you have some time?"

They all nodded with concern and proceeded to head to a bench just outside in the gardens. The day was beautiful, bright and sunny.

"I've just dropped out of the course," said Raelyn with sadness lacing her voice.

"WHAT?" exclaimed Marcus who barely lost his cool over anything.

"What do you mean Raelyn?" added Amber with worry lines stretching across her forehead.

"We got the test results back from the doctor a couple of days ago. My aunt has brain cancer. Even though the odds aren't great there is treatment available but it's expensive." she paused for a moment, tears spilling from her eyes.

"Look, I'm not dropping out permanently, I plan to come back and finish the course when Aunt Claire is better. For the short-term, I need to work, so I might not see you guys as much," added Raelyn.

"Let us help you, we can get some extra work as well," offered Chase.

"Yeah," replied Amber. "And my parents have some money set aside, I'm sure they would help you guys out if I asked."

"I won't allow it. That's very nice of you guys and I really do appreciate it but I'm not sacrificing your studies or using your parent's hard-earned cash. We'll be fine, I just need to find an extra job to support us," explained Raelyn.

Amber, Chase and Marcus argued further but to no avail. This was a family matter and although Raelyn appreciated it to no end she wasn't the type of person to borrow money from friends.

"Look, we still have some options open to us right now. If things get worse or I'm struggling I'll reach out but for now, I would like to solve this without getting other people involved. Please," Raelyn pleaded.

"Fine," said Amber, clearly annoyed at her friend from being so stubborn. "But the moment you need help you better call us."

"I will thank you," Raelyn responded with a hug. "I may not be in touch as much though, just until things settle down a bit."

"Please take care of yourself Raelyn," chimed in Chase.

"Thanks guys, I'll be fine." And with that Raelyn got up and walked away from the university. She glanced back to see her three best friends heading back to the classroom and felt a tinge of sadness. Her life was about to change more than she realised.

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