Ch. 2, what did I do?🔥

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Jimin's POV

I arrived at the resort and saw I was the last one, again. I saw the three other guys talking happily with the seducers. I gulped when I saw him talking to Taehyung and I felt a weird feeling in my stomach. I don't know what it is but I decided to just shrug it off, maybe it's just because I won't see Yoongi for two weeks.

"Hey Jimin! Have you always reserved your spot for being the last one?" Seokjin asked as soon as he saw me and I chuckled.

"Haha, yeah I guess so," I said. "Anyway did you guys already choose a room?" I asked them and sat down.

"Nope, we waited for you," Bambam said and I smiled, kind.

Suddenly I felt a presence behind me and when I looked behind I saw the bunny boy standing behind me.

"Hi Jimin." He said smirking.

"Hi?..." I said not knowing his name.

"Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook it is."

"Well, hello."

"C'mon guys there are six rooms in here so that means two guys a room. Who's with who?" Taehyung asked.

"Jimin and I are gonna sleep in one room," Jungkook said and when I looked at him to complain he only winked and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Why- what- uh-" I tried to say but couldn't say a normal sentence when I looked in his eyes. "Okay, sure." I then said and he showed his bunny smile.

"Great choice." He said still looking at me and I turned around. Why did I accept to sleep with him in one room? What the hell is wrong with me?

"Bambam and I are in one room too," Jay said and I tried to hide my laugh when I saw his face. Just so flustered and confused that it's very funny.

"W-why?" Bambam asked stuttering.

"Because," Jay said and leaned closer to Bambam's face to whisper in his ear. "I want to and if I want to share a room with you, then I am gonna share a room with you, sweetie." I thought a face couldn't get any redder but the dark blush on his face said otherwise.

"Taehyung, you and I are also sharing a room," Seokjin said. I think the seducers will have a hard job to seduce those two. And what about me?

The other six seducers choose there partner and room too and then we all headed to our rooms to pack out all of our stuff. We ain't allowed to have our phone so we can't communicate with each other.

"Why did you want to share a room with me?" I asked Jungkook while I sat down on a random bed.

"I think you're cute but yet hot at the same time. And yes I am interested in you." He said while he sat down on the other bed, facing me. So he does know the definition of personal space, good.

"Yeah... well good luck," I said and began packing out my stuff but he just sat down and watched me.

"Aren't you gonna unpack all of your stuff?" I asked.

"I'd rather wait till you're done." He said and I looked up to look him in the eyes.

"Why would you do that?" I asked with curiosity.

"Don't know, I like watching you I guess." Okay, this guy really is something else. If he keeps on being like this it's gonna be easy for me. But I couldn't help but feel a certain feeling in my stomach.

I was finally done with unpacking my stuff and I sat down on the bed which is mine for the following two weeks. As soon as I sat down, Jungkook stood up and unpacked his stuff. While I watched him for an unknown reason.

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