Chapter 12

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Chapter 12
By the Heavens

People have walked in to gods. Such Immortals don't exist, but these gods were the first masters of the arts.

Like how in East Europe, they have the master of Ice and Darkness, West Europe has Metal, Russia has Fire, The United Asian Federation has Nature, African Union has Water, Australia has Earth, and The United America has Wind.

These Masters gave the world a new glimpse of hope... but with a single tick of the clock, the War happen.

With only Life and Death, can control these Arts Users, and they bowed down before them.

Seungmin was scared to show his true power, but now he has nothing to show other than his Psychic powers.

Seungmin waited for days for Hyunjin to wake up. He couldn't feel and sense Hyunjin's heartbeat. But he still has hope...

"Seungmin." Minho said and pats Seungmin's shoulder.

"I know... 'He should wake up soon and everything will go back to normal'... you have said that since-" Seungmin was cut off by Changbin entering the room.

"I have more information of Yggdrasil." Changbin said and puts down folders of papers.

Seungmin and Minho starts reading them while Changbin also helped on scanning.

"Yggdrasil, the Home of the Gods." Minho said

"Are you certain that it is Yggdrasil? Because most of these are all fiction... none of this is real... like look at this." Minho gives Seungmin the paper.

"Yggdrasil, the Home of the Gods and the Eternal." Seungmin said.


"Huh? Who goes there?" Seungmin looks around

"Seungmin, what is it?" Changbin said.

"Did you all hear that?" Seungmin said.

You're getting closer...

"Shadows!" Seungmin called and two of his Shadows appeared in his side.

"My Lord, your orders we obey." They said in unison and bowed down.

Seungmin gave them the folders and they looked at it.

"Help us find the Yggdrasil. We need as much help as you can." Seugmin asked softly and smiled.

"I am sure our Leaders will give you our support." The Shadows then disappeared and Seungmin turns to Minho.

The pendant... follow it...

Seungmin hears it again and searches for the pendant. He opened multiple drawers just to find it.

"What are you finding?" Minhi said while watching Seungmin panic.

"Th-The Pendant... I need it now." Seungmin looks at Minho.

"We will find it. I will help you... Just go to Hyunjin's room, maybe it is there." Minho smiled softly and Seungmin nodded.

Seungmin ran out the door, passing Changbin. Then he reached to Hyunjin's room and opened it, and Hyunjin wasn't in his bed.

Seungmin's heart dropped and eyes widened.

"Help! Hyunjin's gone! Find him! Fi-" then the bathroom door opens and saw Hyunjin with wet hair and only a towel on his hips.

"Chill... I was just showering." Hyunjin said while drying out his hair.

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Seungmin looks at Hyunjin's chest, and there formed a small scar. Seungmin is still guilty over his actions.

"I see you are awake..." Seungmin looks at Hyunjin.

"I can't feel your heartbeat... I can't feel your emotions." Hyunjin said and goes closer to Seungmin.

"But we still are the same. I still love you for who you are... I shouldn't have done it but, Changbin-hyung is also the one who raised me up. He cared a lot." Hyunjin said.

"But... he is part of the Government." Seungmin said.

"They didn't find us because Changbin-hyung  showed them... they found us because they followed Changbin." Hyunjin said.

"How do you know this?" Seungmin said and looked at Hyunjin's eyes.

"Because I told him." Changbin appears.

"That is why Changbin-hyung offered to protect us. But... things happen inside the Government." Hyunjin said.


Seungmin sat alone on the field and tries to piece out the world map and Yggdrasil. He puts his pendent on the map and just gave up.

"Where is the Yggdrasil..." Seungmin told to himself and laid down in the grass.

He saw the changing of cloud formations, the birds that flew up in the air... it was harmonious.

"Sir. We have found it..." One of the Shadows said.

Seungmin instantly shot up.

"Show me, right now!" Seungmin said and both of the Shadows made a portal.

Seungmin went in and it was all dark... it was eerie.

"Hey! Where did you teleport me to!" Seungmin looks back and the portal was gone.

Seungmin creates a pink light, so that he could see.

"That was easier than I have expected." A voice said and Seungmin got hit by something heavy in the back of his head and began to feel weaker and weaker.


Hyunjin saw what happen and shot Strings in their way and trapped them.

"What did you do?" Hyunjin said angrily.

"All Hail the New World Revolution." Both of the men said.

This drove Hyunjin into a fit of rage and controlled them to summon a portal.

Changbin grabbed Hyunjin and pushed him back.

"The portal is dangerous..." Changbin said

"Where does it lead to?" Hyunjin asked

"The Government's base. But we can't go there alone... they are in every crack and crevice in that base." Changbin said.

Hyunjin pulled off all of the strings and cut them into a thousand pieces.

"My Minnie... gone... I can't hear his heartbeat... I can't sense him... I can't feel that he is safe or not!" Hyunjin was about to cry but Changbin wrapped arpund his arms around the crying boy.

"I will scout out the place. Stay safe... or you will never get to Yggdrasil." Changbin said.


Seungmin woke up at a cell, his arms and legs were chained  and he has scars... from big to little. His head is dizzy, he feels like he is going to vomit at any second.

"Death has awoken..." A man said at the other side of the gate.

"Fuck you..." Seungmin cursed.

"What they said was right. You are a tough contender." The man said and kicked Seungmin in the face.

Seungmin fell to the ground with a bleeding nose.

"Tell me where Yggdrasil is... and I shall spare you and your life. Or... we can have other options." The man threatened and chuckled.

"Yggdrasil is nowhere... a fantasy place." Seungmin hissed.

"Then we will beat you until you say it." The man snapped his fingers and a man appeared in front of me.

"Name's Kieun. I will be your playmate forever!" The man said excitedly and smiled, then he turned serious and his eyes turned to a gleaming yellow and blue in different eyes.

"He won't bite, but he hurts. Let me Introduce you to Kieun, our first Genetic Arts user." The man said.

Seungmin looks at Kieun and studies him. But there was nothing... no history, no proper emotions... all of it seems so artificial.

"Get ready!" Kieun balled up his hands into a fist and punches Seungmin deep in the stomach, making him throw up blood.

Then he got punched in his face again, then to his chest, then back to his face.

"Yggdrasil... you will never find it without me alive." Seungmin chuckles.

"Then tell me-"

"I AM THE KEY YOU FUCKER! YOU WANT YGGDRASIL? THEN KEEP ME ALIVE YOU MORON!" Seungmin screamed and received a punch in the stomach.

"Our hopes on becoming Gods will finally come true..." The man said.

"I will be a God!" The man laughed and left the cell.


In the next Chapter...

"We have found it..." Chan said to Hyunjin.

"Seungmin?" Hyunjin shot up from his desk and faced Chan.

"No, Yggdrasil. It is in..."

Whenever there's Darkness there is Light (Seungjin)Where stories live. Discover now