Part 30

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"There's nothing to worry about Lina. He won't be able to touch you. He's not even allowed to turn around and look at you." Gray was mumbling in my ear as we walked alongside Evans. He was dressed sharply in a custom-tailored suit with a matching briefcase. he had been working around the clock prepping me for what was about to happen. He said that this would be the easy part, this is where Anthony would plead guilty or not they would set a trial date and then it would be crunch-time. I highly doubted Anthony was gonna admit to be being a drug dealin' womanizer, but I was here anyway. I almost stayed at Gray's house, I didn't understand why I needed to be here. Evans insisted I showed my face, saying it would show Anthony I wasn't afraid anymore and I was going to lock his ass away. What neither one of them knew was I was high as a bitch, I didn't have a care in the world. I was gonna sit in the pew and wait for it to be over, I didn't plan on going to trial later down the line. I had other plans in motion. My passport had come to my P.O. box and the bank account I had set up was ready to get cash deposits. Me and Gray were in a real good space; a couple of weeks ago we had our first intimate moment.


I was sitting on the couch per usual watching Queen of the South; ever since I'd seen the first episode I was hooked! Me and Gray watched it faithfully, he was in the kitchen tossing our dirty dishes. We had a routine now, he would cook and I would clean up the kitchen; then we'd hit some weed and watch TV or talk to each other for a while. Gray loved to talk so I just listened. I made him tell me more about his grand parents, turned out they left him more than just the house and I was pleased with the information he gave. I let him talk though, interjecting at the right times. I made sure he knew he could be comfortable with me. I noticed as he talked he kept tilting his head from side to side, trying to crack his neck so I offered him a massage. He accepted and turned his back to me and I laughed. 

"Come here." I told him, pulling myself to the edge of the couch. I guided him down to the floor and in between my thighs. He seemed a little bit uncomfortable, but I was prepared to work all that out. I pushed him forward slightly to grab the bottom of his shirt. He helped me help him slip it off, then I stood up "Let me wash my hands." I told him, and went into the restroom. Once I made sure my hands smelled clean I dried them off, then returned to the living room. Gray was still in the same spot, I slid back into the position I was in and placed my small hands on his shoulders. His skin felt like satin under my hands, he was smooth as dark chocolate and that shit turned me on. Once I had a rhythm going I watched his shoulders sink in relaxation. 

"Damn, you take masseuse classes or something?" he asked 

"Maybe I just have a magic touch." I told him playfully, I let my hands rub the entirety of his back then I slowly rubbed his shoulders and over his chest. I wanted to see how far he let he go, I was sliding my hands further down and made it to his stomach before he grabbed me. I immediately felt stupid, but to my surprise he turned around to face me. We were at eye level since he was on the floor. Before I could say anything he leaned forward and kissed me in the mouth. It'd been a while, but I kissed him back. In that moment I realized Gray was the second man I kissed in my twenty years of living. Anthony nabbed me when I was sixteen I hadn't had the chance to explore the world yet. I let him rub his hands on my thighs, and grab my hips. After a few minutes I expected him to start touching other places but he didn't. Gray broke the kiss off and we sat in silence for a moment. I was tingling all over. I was only used to Anthony but Gray had him beat the fuck down in the kissing department. I couldn't help but wonder how good he ate pussy.

"Why'd you stop?" I asked quietly, shit was I the bad kisser?

"Almost lost control of myself. I didn't mean to overstep my boundaries." he explained nervously and I smiled, how cute. He thought he was taking advantage of me? I almost laughed out loud but I gave him an encouraging smile instead.

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