As TJ lied awake he watched Cyrus sleep
The boy that means so much too him, was oblivious too how much he cared for him and it broke his heart
He wanted to show the boy how much he cared, but he didn't know how
TJ got up and went to the window
"TJ" Cyrus starting stirring in his sleep like he was having a nightmare
TJ went to wake up Cyrus but before he could get to him Cyrus started talking more
"Teej, please don't leave me"
"Cy, Cyrus? Wake up" TJ shook Cyrus lightly
Cyrus woke up throwing his arm to the side as a reflex and hit TJ in the face
"Ow" TJs hand flew up to his eye
"Oh my, TJ I am so sorry" Cyrus tried to help TJ but TJ swatted his hand away
"It's fine"
"Let's go get you some ice" Cyrus got up from bed helping TJ up
"Cyrus, I promise I'm ok" Cyrus shushed him as they walked by where the girls were sleeping
As Cyrus placed the ice pack on TJs eye TJ said words that Cyrus never expected
"I love you"
"What?" Cyrus dropped the ice pack and it landed on TJs foot
"Ow" TJ screamed then immediately covered his mouth hoping he didn't wake the girls
"I love you" TJ spaced out his words more
"No you don't, TJ take it back. Don't give me hope that you'd actually like me" Cyrus started backing away from TJ with tears in his eyes
"Cyrus, I've liked you for the longest time well I thought I did but no I love you" Making the love known
TJ took Cyrus' hand "please don't doubt my love"
"No, you're- you're straight, you've never had feelings for a guy"
TJs heartbroke at those words... He didn't believe
"Cyrus, I'm bisexual and I'm in love with you"
Cyrus kissed TJ, he couldn't stop himself but it soon ended when Cyrus pulled away and ran outside

where ever you go
FanfictionTJ Kippen and Cyrus Goodman are best friends, inseparable... But when things start happening to Cyrus and his family he starts to get scared that TJ will leave Story one of three ~~~Mentions self harm~~~