Chapter 29: A Death And A Suicide Or Two

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Chapter 29...... A Death And A Suicide Or Two

*Aurora's Point Of View*

I laid there dying and all John did was cradling me in his arms. He was covered in my blood, and I was covered in my blood. I wish Chris was here because I wanted to say goodbye to him. I wanted to tell him that life would be okay without me and that he could move on. I knew now that I would never have a future, I would never have kids or run my dads work, I would never get married. I would never live my life the way I wanted to. My life was being taken away due to my unluckiness and my twist of fate

I would die unless I was given a second chance which I doubt very much. I knew I was dying and there was no denying it now. How much longer I would have to live is inevitable, I'm not sure how much blood I have lost but I knew now that it was more than it should be. My body started to feel cold though I could still smell the metallic smell of blood and I could feel the stickiness of it. He rocked me back and forth still singing songs to me, I tried my hardest to stay awake as long as I could

I wanted them to reach me before I had the chance to pass so I could say goodbye to Chris. John kissed my forehead before checking my pulse. He placed two fingers on my neck, he slightly nodded. I could feel my heart having troubles pumping due to the loss of blood though that did not stop it at all. Go heart go!

John took some of my blood and drew a heart on my face, for reasons unknown. I couldn't move or even really speak so I couldn't ask him what he was doing. He grabbed a piece of paper and a pen then he started writing things down. My vision was becoming blurry so it was hard to tell what he was writing, though I could see the blood that was being smeared on the paper from his blood covered hand. I had no clue what he was writing, was it a sorry note? My body was giving out but my mind was racing like it always has

Soon after he started writing he was done and he placed the now red and white paper on the night table. My vision was going all wacky on me know, this isn't normal anymore. I think I am hallucinating this. John stood there and looked at me for a brief moment then he grabbed something that my eyes could not identify though it looked familiar. He laid me down as he stood right there beside me, hovering over my bed

"You know after what we both have done there is no way we are going to heaven. We could ask for forgiveness and if that doesn't work we will live in hell and be together, forever. Like you promised." He said

Now, besides what he has done to me, I realize just how mentally sick he is. He was crazy to think we are going to heaven, well him in this case I have done hardly any wrong compared to him. And there was no way I was spending my possible after life with him

My mind couldn't really comprehend what he was saying, that was starting to shut down. He took the semi familiar object and placed it on his wrist and brought it across. It wasn't until the smell of new blood instead of stale blood came across my nose, that was when I knew what he was doing

New blood fell onto my body, he grunted in pain as he did the same to the other wrist. He was cutting himself to bleed to death like me. That was where he was getting that we weren't going to heaven and that we could go to hell together and be there forever. I didn't want that. He bent down and placed himself beside my bed again, he moved back against the wall and sat there. Feeling the same way I am right now, hurt and bleeding to death

Was I dreaming or hallucinating? Or was this real? Did he really slit his wrists in front of me, am I watching him die? Are we going to die together? I couldn't distinguish reality from fantasy anymore, that part of my brain was now shutting down. I knew it was only time before my heart stopped beating. Seconds after my brain was kicking in on shutting down my body I heard sirens and seen flashes of light. Blue and red lights, like a cop car. 'I'm saved' I thought


Though I knew that was silly because it was too late now to be saved the damage was done. I have lost too much blood to live that much longer. Lets face it down I am dead and that's that. I heard people yelling and marching to the door. I heard a few thuds and then I heard something crash. I could tell by the sound of the crash and the light that still came into the place I could tell it was the door they broke down. I heard people come in. Though I couldn't see much because I was too weak to move

"She's hurt real bad." I heard someone say

"I don't care I want to see her." I heard a voice call back

That voice, I know it from somewhere but it was so hard to hear. I heard footsteps coming in at a fast pace

"No don't."

But it was too late, the fast steps stopped completely


"You bastard!"

I heard someone being slapped and a slight laugh came from them the laugh was from John. The other person was very frustrated by the sound of their voice

"Chris no!" Someone shouted

Chris? He was here? No he can't see me like this, it will break his heart. But this was the one time I could say goodbye to him

"Chris." I breathed out

He came over to me and dropped down to the bed side. I was able to turn my head to face to him, he seemed a little blurry but I could still see his face a bit. He held my face and I could tell he was crying I could feel his warm tears on my body. This made me want to cry, that was when one tear floated down my face

"I'm so sorry about this, I should've been there."

"Don't blame yourself." I said

"There is something I wanted to tel you. My ex she died after that party, she killed herself because she hurt me and felt so bad about it. It killed me inside when she took her own life that is when I never wanted to love again until I met you. That is how much you mean to me." He said

I felt good knowing how much I mean to him but sad knowing what happened years ago, it's a shame how that happened

"It's okay, I love you."

"I love you too." He said

He was trying not to chock or sob on his words. He held onto my hand tightly but I was starting to lose that sense. Someone else came over and placed their hand on his shoulder

"It's too late." He said

"No it can't be." Chris sobbed

"I'm sorry boy but this time we were too late." He said


"Chris it's okay. It's my time." I said

I gave him a weak smile and he nodded. He gave me a kiss on the forehead and lips. I smiled as my heart skipped a beat its last time, I knew now that my life was complete. Now it was my time to go, my heart slowed down

"It's time." I said

"I love you Chris." I said

"I love you too Aurora." He sobbed

He gave me one last kiss, and I let out my last breath than darkness took over. I opened my eyes again, I looked all around me to see my body laying there and Chris sobbing while holding my hand. I looked beside me to see a woman who looked just like my mother. She smiled at me

"Hi Aurora."


"You've never met me before but I'm your grandmother. I'm here to guide you to the after world." She said

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