Chapter 4 -Zapdos

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ash happily climbed onto the back of his new freind moltress and almost couldn't beleive where his little adventure had taken him so far, he had only expected to see some of the pokemon natve to the volcano and had never thought he would become friends with a legendary like moltres or that the pokemon would offer to take him to meet the legendaries brothers on the other islands.

while ash was feeling a little guilty about leaving the island without his mother where he was going or what he was doing, he trusted moltress to keep him safe cause that's what freinds did; they looked out for one another.

moltres had picked up speed as they climbed to the top of the volcano and prepared for the flight to the other islands, ash couldn't help but stare at the scene around him. the horizon streatched out before them as far as the eye could see where the deep blue of the ocean and the clear white  skies came together in a bright light that shone off the surface of the ocean.

the wind began to pick up as they flew and ash was forced to hold on tightly to moltres feathers so he wouldn't be forced off the leagendaries back because of the wind, thou as they flew over the ocean he could have sworn that he heard the the notes of a lulluby plaaying on the wind. the notes were soothing and peacfull as if reashuring him that this was where he was meant to be, that this was home.

ash couldn't tell for how long he listened to the song or how long the flight between island had taken as he woke to the rumble of thunder and the feeling of moltress slowing down, looking a head of them now that he could lift his head with out worrying about falling off ash was shocked to see them about to land on the mountain of another island though this one seemed to be covered in storm clouds.

the legendary made sure to land gently on the mountain before he let ash climb off his back, once ash was safely on the ground moltres took off quickly to find his brother while he asked ash to stay on top of the mountain where they would easily be able to find him.

after promissing moltress that he would stay where he was ash watched in awe as the bird of fire took off and made his way down the mountain in search of his brother, turning his attention to the sorounding area where he had been placed ash was surprised to see that it looked similar to the area where he had met moltress only there was no lava pool around the shrine. 

being the curious child he was ash walked over to the shine and found that just like in moltress'shrine there was a gem placed inside only this time the gem was a bright electric yellow instead of the flaming red one that had sat at moltress ' shrine. carefully picking up the jewel and holding it close ash felt a slight jolt of electricity run thru his body for a moment before the mark on his chest flared and a sudden pain shot thru his left hand, hearing a worried cry ash opened his eyes to see moltress flying towards him with another bird though this one was yellow and black with it's feathers looking like razor sharp points. 

"ash are you alright! what happened? what did you do?" moltress called frantically as he approached ash while looking over the child as best he could for any would or injury that the child might have gotten though stopped in his tracks when he looked down at ash's hands, ash looked down at his hands and and saw that just like with moltres the yellow gem had dissapeared and now he had what looked like an electrical burn running across his palm.

"it seems that my crystal has has also chosen to join the boy, how very peculier" ash turned to look up at the yellow pokemon that was standing before them looking amused and curious as he stared down at ash as if he was some incredible new thingthat they had discovered.

"oh! you must be motlress' brother, it's nice to meet you! do you want to be my freind?" the bird pokemon now seemed confused as he turned to moltress who only nodded his head causing the yellow bird to look shocked for a moment before he calmed himself down and turned back to ash with a look the boy couldn't describe.

"i would be happy to be your friend ash, you may call me zapdos the legendary bird of lightning"


zapdos had been relaxing as best he could on his island home surrounded by other wild electric types that had flocked to his side asthe legendary bird of electricity, while he used his abiltiy to generate lightning storms to keep away pesky trainers who sought to collect him for their own gain. 

hearing a call in the distance zapdos was surprised to see moltres approaching his island, it was rare for them to meet because it usually ended in a fight and their fighting had forced lugia to to seperate them into two halfs to make sure they didn't accidentaly distroy the world with their fighting.

zapdos watched curiously as moltres flew to the top of the mountain where his shrine was located, another unusual thing for him to be doing as they could not influence the crystals in any way. seeing moltres take flight again and beguin to descend in a circular patterrn as if looking for something,  zapdos decided to fly up and meet his brother so he could help him find what ever he's looking for so his brother would get off his island as quickly as possible before anything could go wrong.

"not that i do not apprichiate the thought of company brother but why have you come here, you know as well as i do that a fight tends to break out when ever we are near each other" zapdos called as he approached moltress who held his place in the sky as his electrical brother approached. 

"i know brother but there has been a surprising turn of events" moltres said as he thought back to the curious little child he had left at the top of the mountain, seeing his brothers confusion moltres continued before zapdos could ask.

"i recently recieved a visitor to my shrine at the volcano, simply a human child with no idea about what he had stumbled apon and i was prepared to send him on his way when he did the most amazing thing. he held my crystal with out any ill effects, i tried to scare him away from it before he could get a hold of it but instead of dropping it he held the crystal tighter and in that moment he subconciously accpeted it allowing my crystal to merge with him" zapdos hovered in silence as he listened to his brothers words, the thought of a human merging with moltress' crystal was incredible.

"brother, i feel complete now" zapdos nearly fell from the air as his brothers words registered in his mind, ever since that day when they had been split in two by lugia it had become impossible for the three elemental birds to feel whole on any level. while moltress had tried to fill that whole inside of them by helping humans, zapdos and articuno had retreated from the world to suffer in silence.

zapdos suddenly felt his crystal being moved, flying up to the top of the mountain as fast as he could zapdos bearly registered the shouted words of his brother as moltress flew to the human child who stood by his shrine with an electrical pattern burned into the skin of his left hand where the crystalized form of zapdos other half had merged with the tiny body.

"it seems that my crystal has also chosen to join the boy, how peculier" zapdos said catching the attention of the child who looked up at him with big round brown eyes. 

looking into his eyes zapdos was surprised to see that the child had accepted his other half within him just as easily as he had welcomed his brother, looking else where zapdos was shocked to see the boys simple desires and wishes. while the childs ultimate dream was to become a pokemon master he also wanted to befriend all of his pokemonand treat his team like family, turning to moltress to see if he was indeed seeing things corectly and not just issinterpreting things he was shocked when his brother meerly nodded his head.

looking down at the boy once more zapdos felt something warm and comforting come to life in his chest as he heard the child ask to be his friend, allowing the feeling to spread and grow between them zapdos understood what his brother had meant about feeling whole. the connection between the two of them was bearly noticable and felt like they were the same being but in two bodies, delving into the connection between them he was surprised once more when he was actually able to feel moltres as well thru the boy.

"i would be happy to be your freind ash, i am zapdos the legendary bird of lightning"

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