Beginning (Part 5)(End of beginning)

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Levi: "Who's this kid?" She looked over at the now 15 year old male.

Scout member(Male) 1: "That's Y/N Shiba."

Levi: "How skilled is he?"

Scout member(Male) 2: " You know he was a natural born killer after all."

Levi: "Just like the Ackermans, huh."

As she watched you train with one of the other males in the scouts. As he was almost 6ft, and 5 inch. You were a hair short of being 6ft, so you were 5'11, and you easily took him down, as she peeked interest in your maneuver skills, as she walked out, and over to you.

Levi: "Hey... Can you show me your maneuvering skills real quick."

Y/N: "Huh? Sure."

As you quickly got your gear on, and head to the training forest where the fake titans are. As you got ready. As they told you to start as Levi followed, she would recognize that you are indeed quick, especially sense your ahead of her. When it came to titans. You cut the nape like a professional this shocked even her. Once done she would have a slight smile, but then try to hide it with a normal face.

Levi: "I'm glade your a member...." She said as she walked away.

Y/N: "Huh?! Oh yes ma'am!" You saluted, it was a shock that she smiled. You heard that she was cold. As you watched her, your eyes.... Well... Let's say they slid down to her rear end. "God dam it.."

Scout member(Male)  3: "Good job. Not many people could make her smile, let alone shock her."

Y/N: "Oh thank you, sir"

Scout member(Male) 3: "We're the same rank kid."

Y/N: "I just.. Sorry."

Scout member(Male) 3: "Wanted to respect others. Not many kids know how to do that now a day." He said walking off.

This gave you some time to think about what he said "Wanted to respect others. Not many kids know how to do that now a day." Then as you were thinking a view of Levi's rear popped up.

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