markgyeombam where mark loves his two babies requested by markjin77
//mark had never planned to date two boys. hell, he had thought he was straight for a long time until just before he met the two who would become his boyfriend.
bambam and yugyeom were dating when he met them. they had been in a happy and loving relationship for about six months. they had had a studio apartment together and owned a hairless cat together since yugyeom was allergic to cat fur.
it had taken less than three months for yugyeom and bambam to move into mark's much larger house because they were all a bit more in love that anyone thought they should be.
mark spoiled his babies every chance he got. anything they wanted, he bought, even when they insisted that he didn't. he had the money to do it, so he did. the only thing he wanted in return were hugs and kisses from his two babies.
mark always slept in between the two, happy to drown in the hugs and cuddles he got from them. he was always up the latest so he just just got to relish in the feeling of love from his boyfriends.
it was a date night but they weren't going out like they usually did because yugyeom and bambam had protested because they were sick of mark spending so much money, especially that week as he had bought a lot more that usual.
mark sat down on the couch, quickly being joined with yugyeom on his left and bambam on his right, both shimmying to get comfortable under mark's arms. bambam grabbed the blanket and put it over the three of them.
"mark hyung," yugyeom started softly, moving to look at mark with puppy dog eyes, "can i lay down and put my head in your lap?"
"of course, baby boy." mark found it endearing that yugyeom always asked if he could do something that he didn't need any permission to do.
yugyeom laid down and places his head on mark's thigh, smiling when mark laced his hand through his hair and scratching his scalp every once in a while
bambam was his little kitten who was curling up next to him and nuzzling his head into his neck while he watched the movie mark had picked out. he looked adorable in one of mark's large hoodies that went to his thighs, but his legs were shoved inside of the hoodie and pulled to his chest.
"markie hyung, i'm tired," bambam said sleepily after they watched a second movie.
"go brush your teeth and wash your face while i take our big baby to bed." yugyeom was already asleep, still with his head in mark's lap, and didn't seem to be waking up from his deep sleep.
mark lugged his larger boyfriend to their room while his kitten ran to the bathroom so he could join them as soon as possible. his favorite time of the day was night time, when they all cuddled and laid in a pile.
when he got to their bedroom, he jumped onto mark, careful to not wake up yugyeom, and nuzzled his head into mark's tummy.
"bedtime, kitten. want to lay between me and yuggie tonight?"
bambam nodded and crawled up. he was able to squeeze between the two and get comfortable without mark having to move. he wanted to be as squished between them as he could and sighed happily when he relaxed.
"i love you, hyungie," bambam whispers because he's almost talking into yugyeom's ear as he's hugging yugyeom and mark is spooning him.
"i love you, kitten."
"i love you, gyeomie," bambam says softly, kissing yugyeom's cheek and smiling when the youngest scrunches up his nose in his sleep.

bambam centric one shots
Fanfictiona bunch of random, non connected one shots of bambam ships request stuff if you want. any bambam ship is okay with me :) i'll write anything expect smut 💖