Chapter Thirty - Part One

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Chapter Thirty - Part One: Escape Plan

"Is there another way out?" James asked, attaching his sword to his belt.

"Ahmm," Castan huffed. His head darted back and forth, clearly agitated. "Yes. To the side, there is a delivery entrance, I think. Uh, over this way, maybe."

Castan took them around the bar area, past several loud machines and towards a narrow corridor in the corner. James looked back again and saw several more Red Guards in the crowd, their visored helms all facing his direction.

Castan almost collided with a few lone workers before turning a corner of the carpeted corridor. They came to an intersection of a metal passageway. The pipe-lined passage stretched down either side of them. The casino sounds had faded, the area humming quietly with generators somewhere nearby.

"They saw us, I think," James said, giving Sam an uneasy look.

"There," Castan said, pointing to their left. "This way, should be."

They ran to the end of the passageway and found a metal door on one side.

"I don't think this is what I was thinking of," Castan said, breathing heavily and looking around. "But, it's a door," he added, trying to sound hopeful.

Sam pushed the door open and hot sunlight streamed over them. James blinked back the bright light and followed them outside. They were in a narrow alley, with shrubs and thin trees spread along the chain fencing on one side, and the casino building on the other.

"Which way?" Castan asked.

On their left, two Red Guards came around the corner, their boots thudding and armour shifting. They reached for the rifles hung by their sides.

"This way," Sam said, breaking into a run away from the guards.

After several paces they came to a torn gap in the chain fence. Sam pointed them towards it and they ducked through to a grassy slope beyond. James spared a look back and caught sight of the pursuing Red Guards; two more had joined them. They all, thankfully, seemed reluctant to fire at them out in the open, with people around. At least, James hoped he was right about that.

They reached the top of a low wall and jumped down to the road. The wall ran along one side of the street, with a row of shops opposite. Some people stopped to watch them and James heard questions being asked about where they'd come from and why they were running.

Another group of Red Guards ran towards them, weaving through vehicles passing along the street. James had never seen so many Red Guards together before. The highest order of guards were actively pursuing them, all because he had sneaked into a warehouse with Sam and Evan. Whoever owned the place in Tyken Town must have some serious connections.

"Go on ahead," Castan called back. He caught James by surprise when he turned towards the approaching guards. "I'll draw these ones away. Don't worry, I know these streets. I'll meet you at the docking station."

He broke into a run before they could say anything. He headed towards the guards for a moment before ducking into a side alley. Three of the guards followed him, leaving only two that ran down the street towards James and Sam. And there were still the other four from the casino, coming from the grassy slope.

"Come on," Sam said.

They rounded a corner to another street, where Sam pushed them both into a narrow alley. Rows of metal railings ran up the length of the walls either side of them, by windows with colourful frames. Clothes and other items were slung over some railings, and thin cables were strung across the narrow gap between the buildings.

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