Chapter 2

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"Can Jazmine Calore come down to the main office with her bag please?" The school intercom sounds.

I give a bewildered gape.

"Isn't that you, Jaz?" Mia leans in with a questioning tone.

"Yeah," I mumble, "it's me," I stare at her with mutual confusion.

Upon stepping into the office, I could see Aunt Emery pacing back and forth most likely waiting for me. After noticing me, she runs closer and grabs me by both of my arms. Her eyes are bloodshot red as if she had been crying.

"Jazmine! Jazmine, oh I'm so glad. I thought you didn't get to school!" Her tone is frantic yet was in relief.

"Why? What happened?" I look into her eyes.

"Come on, we have to go," Aunt Emery pulls me along.

Next thing I know we're in the hospital. 

I sit next to Jason's lifeless body. Machines and an IV stand connected to him. I could barely see his chest rise and fall. His eyes are closed and dried up blood tainted his face from his left eye. I hold his arm, it is coated with dark burns and spots. Why? Why him? Please... Through a crack between the door and its frame, I could see Aunt Emery crying as the doctor holds his clipboard steady. I watch as they leave out of my sight. I push my chair and follow them, needing answers.

"Reports have gotten back to us, there was a gas leak in the kitchen and was unknowingly set off," I overhear.

"Oh my god..." I breathe. A tear sheds from my cheek.

"Luckily he was not present in the area where the explosion happened, he was found in the living room." I gulp as I hold my head against the wall.

"He's alive, however," My eyes widen," He's in a coma."

Just like that, I sink to the ground. I hug my knees to my chest as tears fall continuously. Everything is falling apart. How long would I have to wait until he came back? I clench my hair in my hands as a feeling of dizziness comes over me. My light. My brother. 

"You said you would be waiting for me..." I sob.

In the midst of drowning myself in my tears, I hear the words following.

"W-we can't pay for the hospital fees, it's too much."

"This fee is mostly fueling the support for your nephew. If you can't pay the fee, we have to pull him off life support."

I was trembling. Light flashes in my eyes and I slowly lose myself.

"H-help..." I cry out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2019 ⏰

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