Serif: More notes form Tumblr
Serif: DS!NM bitty
Bitty Type: Magnus (Dreamswap Nightmare)
Height: 6 in/15.24 cm
Likes: Spicy food, pranking people, Halloween
Dislikes: Being blamed for something he didn't do
-Probably lowkey plotting something
-Lil' bit flirty
-Easily excited over stupid shit
-Obsessed with Halloween
-He goes overboard on most things
-Has trust issues, but will take chances on people anyway
-Expect him to just acquire bitties who need help
-He'll just bring someone in from off the street and be like "This is Stabface McTragicBackstory and we're keeping him."
-So expect to gain more bitties at some point after adopting him
-Is afraid of being abandoned
-He loves music, particularly classical
-If you can, try to find a bitty sized violin
-But be prepared to find him playing it really angrily when he gets upset
-Also expect to be woken up by aggressive violin playing right in your ear at some point
-He has trouble sleeping alone and at the very least needs someone in the room
-Let him sleep on your pillow or your chest or something
-Has issues with insomnia, so have some quiet stuff for him to do when he's busy not sleeping. Bonus points if it's relaxing and helps him fall asleep.
-He can vaguely sense your feelings
-Nothing really specific, just if you're upset or something
-He's a tad arrogant
-He loves cuddles and affection
-Although he will never admit it
-Will randomly initiate cuddles
-As in, you're just sitting on the couch or something and he'll just climb on you and snuggle
-Don't say anything about it and just love on him
-If you mention it and go like "Hurr durr I guess someone wanted some affection hahahahaha" he'll get embarrassed and leave
-And probably not come to you for cuddles again
-Has a weirdly deep voice for someone so small
-Fast little shit
-Accident prone
-So he'll just break something and fucking run
-Keep first aid supplies on hand
-Give him some partners in crime it'll be fine I swear
-Well, it'll be hilarious at least
-Seriously he needs buddies don't let him get lonely
-Supervision is required when fire is involved
-Terrible posture
-Will tell people to fight him so be prepared to extract him from situations where he's bound to get his ass kicked
-Keep him away from corrupted Nightmare bitties
-Also Rogue bitties but that kind of goes without saying
-Kind of a troll
-Prefers to tell the truth when he can
-Very likely to injure himself doing stupid things
-Resting bitch-face
-Will get jealous if you start spending the majority of your time with other people/bitties
-May sulk and/or try to scare people away
-And by scare people away I mean he'll just sit on your shoulder and glare at people until they feel awkward and leave
-May acquire a stick from somewhere and whack people with it
-The stick will be named. (Beatin' Stick, Staff of FuckYouRightInTheFace, etc.)
-Supportive, but in a way where he'll ask what's wrong, tell you you're lying when you say nothing, reassure you, and then offer to fight whatever made you sad.
-Kind of likes drama? He won't actively start shit himself but he will stay and watch while someone's relationship falls apart.
-Either take him with you when you go somewhere or he will follow you and poorly hide in bushes.
-Or wear a 'disguise' (basically he'll just draw a mustache on his face and steal someone's glasses. Maybe he'll even add a hat. Lucky you!)
-Refuses to show weakness at all ever
-Compatibility with Paladin (DS Dream) bitties can vary.
-Sometimes they get along well and can be very close
-Other times....
-Just love him, okay?
-Someone needs to.

HOUSE of the Sanses
Random-UP FOR ADOPTION, DISCONTINUED- DT: DreamTale. DS: DreamSwap. UV: UnderVerse. SV: SwapVerse. Warning, Profanity. The cover is slightly edited by me. So my brain had a weird thought, 'What if the DT, DS, UV, SV, and Swaps lived together?' And I was l...