Chapter 11

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"your bestfriends...."

The room went silent, the parents were confused, the girls were smiling happily, Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok were thinking

But then....they broke into tears, the boys all hugged the girls tightly, I mean, they were crushing em' "WE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!" Hoseok told them

"We can see that" Lisa said with a squeaky and whispering voice, the boys released them from the hug

"Why didn't you say anything!" Namjoon asked, "well....we wanted you to remember us by yourselves" Rosé answered,

They were all in tears, even Yoongi! He felt his eyes water but quickly wiped his tears away, Lisa and Rosé saw it though, they exchanged glances and smirked

"Min oppa~" Lisa called with a sweet voice, oh shit! Yoongi thought before facing Lisa, he saw Rosé standing next to Lisa, they both had creepy smiles on their faces

"What is it Lisa?" Yoongi asked, the girls' smiles grew larger, "we were just wondering if you had dust in your eyes" Rosé told him with a shrug and looking away trying not to laugh

Crap! Crap! Crap! CRAP! Yoongi thought, he cleared his throat, "yeah, I had dust in my eyes, why do you girls ask?" Yoongi asked

Smooth oppa~ but not enough to defeat us! Mwahahahaha! Rosé thought, "oh! Really? But Mrs Kim, are there any dusts here?" Lisa asked raising her brow at Mrs Kim

"! No! Dear" Mrs Kim answered with a smile knowing where this is going, "okay! So, that just means that you were tearing up!" Rosé told Yoongi

"Okay! Okay! You got me! I was tearing up! Big deal!" Yoongi told her, Lisa and Rosé gasped, they held hands and squealed jumping up and down

"We can't believe you caved in!" Lisa told Yoongi, "please don't mention it" Yoongi told her, his ears were red, he was really embarrassed

"Aww! Oppa! It isn't wrong to cry you know?" Jennie told him comfortingly, patting his shoulder, Yoongi signed and looked at her

"DON'T! ever, tell Jimin about this!" Yoongi told the girls with a cold, scary voice, the girls gulped and nodded

"Okay! I have a question?" Mrs Manoban who appeared out of nowhere asked them, they all faced her, their full attention on her

"Why do you all seem like you have reunited after like, 20 years?" Mrs Manoban asked, they all looked at each other and burst out laughing

"Its because we have! I mean, we have reunited like 6 days ago but they couldn't remember us at all!" Jisoo told Mrs Manoban, the parents all made their mouth as an 'o' realising the situation

"But does that mean that Jin, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook also doesn't remember you?" Mrs Jeon appearing out of nowhere asked, the girls nodded

"Aw! It must have been hard for the four of you girls!" Mrs Kim, Taehyung's stepmother also appearing out of nowhere said, she opened her arms, signalling the girls to hug her

They hugged her, she patted their backs comfortingly, "what did we miss?" Mr Kim, Taehyung's father, asked entering the room with Mr Jeon and Mr Kim, Jin's father

"Oh! You missed how Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jisoo, Jennie, Rosé and Lisa reunited after alot of years and that Jin, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook doesn't remember them!"

Mrs Jeon told Mr Jeon with a smile, "ah! Thanks honey!" Mr Jeon told her with a smile, "welcome my bunny!" Mrs Jeon told Mr Jeon and kissed his cheek

The girls who just released from the hug, gagged, Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok also gagged, everyone in the room laughed at their reactions

"Okay! So! I have already told them about the vacation and stuff" Mr Manoban told the other men, they nodded

"We need to start packing, right?" Namjoon asked, everyone nodded at this, the girls, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok all left

They all entered the car and the driver dropped the girls off at the mansion, they all got out of the car and walked back inside

When the girls arrived at the front door, they saw the boys, they seemed, angry..?

"Heyyyy" Rosé said awkwardly and waved alittle, she tried to go back inside but Jimin blocked the way

"Okay! Whats up with all of you?" Jisoo asked, "just the fact that you all went to meet our parents and didn't tell us anything" Jin told her scarcastically

The girls' eyes widened, they smiled awkwardly,"um....we....we....
were told about this when we arrived at the cafe...." Lisa told them

"Oh! So does that mean that you couldn't call us when you arrived there or, or, even call when you were on your way there!" Jungkook told them

The girls looked down feeling bad, "and if you wanted that lie to work, you should've changed out of your outfits" Jimin remarked, the girls looked at themselves

"We're sorry...." Jennie told them still looking down, the other girls nodded, the scene seemed like kids were being scolded by their parents

Their eyes softened, "it's alright but please inform us before you go somewhere, we were worried!" Jin told them, the girls all looked up and nodded

But then, Lisa's eyes widened, she smiled widely, "we need to tell them about that 30-day stuff!" Lisa told Jisoo, Jennie and Rosé

They nodded at this, "yeah!" The boys were confused as to what they were referring too

"What 30-day stuff?" Jungkook asked, "we are going on a 30-day vacation that your parents organised for us!" Rosé told them enthusiastically

"What!?" The boys said in unison, shocked, "w-we are going on a 30-day vacation?" The boys asked, the girls nodded at this

"But what about your college?" Jin asked, the girls all smiled, "we're graduating next month!" Jisoo announced, the boys were all really happy for the girls

"Which date?" Jungkook asked, "the 3rd!" Jennie told him excitedly, "we are so happy for you girls!" The boys hugged the girls tightly

"Lets get to packing!" Jimin told them, rushing back inside, this made them laugh at Jimin

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