Chapter 16

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Shadows left Christina's sleeping form shortly before the sun rose for the day. He was sure waking up to his cold body when he technically died for the day would scar her permanently. It was shortly after he had left that a tall figure slipped into the room and kept watch over her while she slept. He felt responsible to keep her safe after he got her into this predicament. He sat on the chair, never taking his eyes off her. How long he sat there, he didn't know, but when she started to stir, his body tensed. The last thing he wanted to do was startle her. She slowly sat up in the bed, scratching her head and mumbling to herself.

"Where the hell am I?"

"In Shadows room."

She nearly jumped out of the bed.

"Relax, it's me, Arin."



He walked over to the bed and sat on the edge.

"Arin....We thought you know....after Flynn's....."

"Few cuts and bruises, nothing I won't get over in time."

"How'd you get away from him?"

He pulled a long chain out of his shirt with a crucifix on the end.


"For emergency purposes only."

"Why are you here Arin?"

Her abruptness caught him off guard.

"I may have a way to help you and Shadows"

"Go on."

"I found a way into Flynn's, more than likely unnoticed."

She shuffled closer to him.

"Have you told Shadows yes?"

He shook his head.

"I only found it last night. It's how I escaped from there. I came here hoping to find Shadows, but I found you here in his place."

"He must have left when I fell asleep. Persistent asshole."

"Trying shit on again?"

"What's new? Here, I have to go tell Gates."

"Oh I saw him outside, he was on guard duty."

"Shadows put him on guard duty?! That son of a bitch!!"

She jumped off the bed and hurried out of the room. She ran barefoot through the hall until she reached the stairs Christ had led them down the night before. She made her way quickly up them and through the door, heading towards the buildings main door. She opened it slightly, letting her eyes adjust to the bright glare of the sun, before yelling out:

"Gates! Get your ass over here!"

She peeked out the door and waited for a response.

"Great..." she sighed when no response came.

She turned around and a pair of strong arms grabbed her by the waist. She screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Shhh babe, chill out, it's only me."

"Jesus Christ Gates! Are you trying to give me a fucking heart attack?!"

She laid a flurry of pitiful slaps all over his laughing form.

"I'm so sorry. You should have seen your face, it was a picture!"

She frowned at his as he wiped a tear form his eye.

"Ah Chrissie, babe, don't give me that face."

"You're such an ass sometimes."

"Only sometimes."

His cheeky grin spread across his face and she felt her stomach flutter. His arms wrapped around her, holding her against his chest.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too."

She lifted her head and pecked his lips.

"I have news for you."

"Good or bad?"

"Depends on which side you're on. One, Arin is alive and he's here."

"Cool, lucky kid. And two?"

"He found a potentially secret passage to Flynn's lair."

"Does Shadows know?"

"No, he was the time Arin arrived."

"Okay well let's get down there and wait for him to wake up."

They made their way to Shadows room, passing Arin who was nattering away furiously on his phone in the hallway. When they walked into the room, Gates let out a low whistle.

"Wow, some fancy digs the boss has here."

"Yup, gotta give him credit, he's got taste."

Gates kicked off his shoes and flopped back onto the bed, pulling a squealing Christina with him.

"While Shadows is out cold, no pun intended, for the next few hours, we should make good use of this privacy."

"We are not, I repeat, NOT having sex in his bed."

"Awh, come on, it'll be fun."

"No! He'd kill the both of us."

"He wouldn't dare."

He leaned over her, supporting his weight on his arms.

"I can smell your lust."

"Gates, really. As much as I want to, we can't. Let's just wait for Shadows to wake up."

Now they just needed something to talk about for the next few hours.

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