27. His New Side

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Let me know what is going to happen about Ashar and Sanaya's married life? Will they end up accepting each other or break the marriage? I want to know what you're thinking.


I told Ashar that he didn't have to help with anything because mother was an employee of the orphanage since years so they would take care of everything, we couldn't interfere. Still Ashar went to her doctor to ask details about her progress.

I really couldn't understand why Ashar was doing this, why was he being nice to me. My mind was already very tired with all the stress so I couldn't argue with him right now so I just decided to think on it later on.

When dis-consolation overflowed in me, I thought of going out of the hospital building and fill up my lungs with some fresh air. The smell of medicine, hospital's scary environment smothering me and it was not good when I needed audacity in these weak moments.

I walked out of the hospital and went to the front yard of the building where I saw people were standing in groups, few ambulances were parked, a small garden where seating-benches were placed. I went over and sat on one of them. I slipped my feet out of my sneakers and moved my legs up on the bench. I hugged my knees.

Memories of my childhood, the smiling face of mother, her voice swirled through my brain. She always used to say to the kids there that treat her like a mother, think of her as a mother. When I got ill in my childhood period she used to sit beside my bed and help me to sleep comfortably. She used to cook for me sometimes. She told me stories. She showed me the glimpse of real Mom like how mothers are like.

Few tears escaped my eyes and slipped down to my face, to my upright knees. I used to get sad and complaint to God after seeing her services for me and other children that I wanted my own Mom. I wanted to be pampered like this for life. If I had my own Mom I would've kept her for my own-self only and wouldn't share her or her love with anyone else.


The sudden voice startled me a little. I moved my head and saw Ashar was sitting beside me and offering my phone back. I composed myself, dried my eyes and gave him a quizzical look.

"What?" He raised his one brow, "I'm returning you your phone. You'll need this."

I took it, turning my head straight, "Thanks."

"I wanted to say something to you."

I again looked at him, "What?"

"I liked those chocolates." A faint smile formed on his lips.

"Really? You said you don't like chocolates."

"Right. I don't, still I liked yours and now I'm thinking to change my opinion about them."

My lips stretched into a smile, "Okay. That's good."

"So you smiled." His brows rose in amusement.

The smile on my face disappeared replaced by a surprise. Was he really trying to make me smile? Oh boy!

My stomach fluttered and I hated it. I  couldn't understand him. On one hand he repeatedly said he hated me and on the other hand he was being chivalrous here, "Did you really like them or did you just say that to divert my mind?"

"Yes, to both of your questions." He said in a low voice. I nodded. At least I wouldn't have to think anymore that I shouldn't have bought a gift for him because I think I did a right thing. He liked it.

"I've talked with doctors. They are going to perform a surgery in next few fours to mend the hole that is in her pancreas. If they're able to do that, then, her survival rate will increase. So, don't lose hope." He said.

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