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Hello Kitty!

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Gavin could gorge himself on as much meat as he could ever want to consume without doing more than stretching and having a nap to allow him to digest. He had never experienced any problem with the amount of food he ate, as a general rule.

As a shifter, his metabolism sky rocketed when he was in his feline form, burning through far more calories than his human body could process.

But after eating an entire batch of butter tarts, he felt like he was going to throw up. Still, if another one was put in front of him, he probably would have eaten it without hesitating. And his feast had left him half dozing, leaning on the counter of Sinfully Delicious, willing the bloated, stuffed feeling to abate.

If he had not been expected to serve customers at that moment, he would have been in his feline form, curled up on the floor of the kitchen where Ferya was baking. The shop was still quiet, the sun still up, though turning red as it descended towards night.

Gavin glanced around the shop slowly, then down at the simple shirt with the logo on his chest. He had started working here at Lucifer's suggestion months ago. He enjoyed Ferya's presence as much as her baking and had formed a sort of friendship with General Baltha, and one more set of eyes and ears protecting the girl was never a bad thing.

To be honest, he had fallen head over heels and had an unwavering urge to spend every waking moment here, hoping to spend a few more moments with the object of his affection. It had stung a little bit when he realized that the feelings were not returned, that they never would be. Seeing them subsequently fall head over heels for someone else had nearly killed him.

He wanted to hate Torix.

And then the damned Guardian had saved his life.

He had understood then what Baltha saw in her. Watching her walk out of the shadows and take on a group of her own kin without batting an eye. For him, a night kin. There were no sides of light and dark to the pixie that smelled more of peace and sunshine than anything else. There was right and wrong and no matter how hard it was to act on those morals, he had never seen her flinch to do so.

So he had accepted that and with that understanding, his infatuation with Baltha had faded into an easy sort of friendship laced with a bit of nostalgia. Wondering if there had ever been a possibility of something more.

Gavin opened his eyes as he heard someone approaching the door of the shop. Since Urdu had put down any violence in Praetoria, things had stabilized enough that Lucifer had finally reduced the amount of guards patrolling outside the shop. Still, the couple that remained were shifting into a more guarded awareness as the two individuals approached.

Gavin bit back a growl as two Nymphs walked through the door.

A few day hunters had filtered back into the coffee shop of late. Lured by the temptation of Ferya's baking and soothed by the peace that had settled, they would chance walking past the blocks of night kin and the demon guards. But Gavin didn't think he would ever appreciate the company of a nymph after what had happened in that alleyway. They were vicious and conniving creatures that tasted of swamp water and smelled of seaweed, in his opinion.

"So this is the famous shop of Lucifer." One of the two males glanced around with a cocky grin, oblivious to the fact that Gavin was fighting the urge to rip out his throat out with only a small counter separating them.

"Shut it, Nake." The other one rolled his eyes before turning to look at Gavin, offering an apologetic smile. "Sorry. I didn't want to bring him, but he insisted. It smells delicious in here."

Gavin did his best to force the glare off of his features before shrugging as nonchalantly as possible. "What are you here for?"

The one named Nake turned to regard him, the smirk on his face promising that it wasn't for anything good. "We're looking for..."

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