The Next Day, Oasis, California
Aldo HarmonEver since those two people stole our truck, we've been stuck at this blasted motel. Kate isn't yet ready to move. That bullet really messed up her leg. She can hardly stand without groaning in pain.
My poor girl. She is in such pain due to those bandits. Shaunte had done all she could with what we have, which isn't much. She cleaned the wound and bandaged it up.
When Shaunte isn't checking on her, Nelly and Virgil are by her side. Such good kids. I don't think Kate is aware of Nelly's feelings.
I kind of hope she doesn't find out. That might not end well for both of them. Nelly could be heartbroken, and Kate would be weirded out, probably.
"Aldo." Shade's callout brought me back to reality. I looked to where the voice came from. Shade was just getting up the steps to this second floor. "We've gotta talk." Behind Shade, Jet came up as well.
"What about?" I asked.
"We're back from scoping out the herd like you asked." Shade explained. I almost forgot I asked them to do that. "They weren't bullshitting us. There's a herd coming straight for us Aldo. It'll be here in like a day or two."
This is concerning. "That isn't good. We can't move Kate yet." I crossed my arms and thought.
"We have to leave Aldo." I looked at him ad he said it. "If we don't, we'd be trapped. People will die."
"I know I know." I sighed. "But Shade, Kate can't move yet. If she tries to stand, she only feels pain in that leg."
"Dammit. Those two assholes fucked us." He put his hands on his head and turned away. "I don't want to risk staying here Aldo. The herd is closing, and closing fast."
"I hear you Shade, I do." I sighed. "But even if we could move Kate, how would we leave?" I pointed out. "We only have 1 car. It can fit 5 people, maybe six if the backseat squeezes hard."
"Dammit, I know. Fuck." He replied, groaning to himself. " no."
"What?" I responded.
"For a second I thought maybe we could have had people follow the Caddy on foot." Shade shook his head no. "Wouldn't work."
"Nope." I stated. "Too many people, and it would at that point make more sense to walk."
"Damn. What if.." He trailed off while thinking. "What if we were to just carry her until she can walk again?" He proposed.
I stood there for a moment in surprise. It's not the worst idea, but it isn't a good one. Jet shared my thoughts in his expression behind him. "How would that even work?" I asked, an eyebrow raised.
"She's not exactly a heavy girl Aldo." I'll give him that one. "You, me, Jet, Carl. Any one of us could carry her at different times, alternating while we walk."
"I guess that could work." I shrugged. "Are both of you willing to do that?" They both nodded. "Well I appreciate that. But we'll have to think more about it."
"What do you mean think about it?" Shade asked, sounding understandably irked. "We're running out of time Aldo! We stay here for more then a day and that herd will be upon us!"
"I know that!" I snapped back with a snarl. "You've explained it enough already." I closed my eyes and breathed. Can't have hostilities at this time. "Look, if nothing else, we'll have to just walk, and someone will help her stand."
"Maybe we should check around the town." Jet interjected. "Who knows what we could find. There may even be a car."
"Yeah. Yeah good idea Jet." I nodded in agreement. "You two take Carl and Virgil and sweep the town. Look for any working vehicles, crutches, even a trailer we could feasibly attach to the caddy."
Shade sighed. "Gotcha. Maybe we'll find food as well." I smiled in response. "What will you be doing then?"
"I'll be here watching to motel." I explained. "Gotta make sure we don't get robbed again."
"Hmmph. Alright, I'll go get Carl. Tell Virgil to meet us downstairs." Shade and Jet turned to head down the stairs.
Behind me was the room that Kate was in. I quickly turned around and opened the door. Inside, Kate lay on the bed with her leg bandaged and elevated. A sleeping Nelly sat on her right side in a chair, her head laid on the bed.
Sitting in a chair on Kate's left side was Virgil. He turned his head to look at me. "Hi Mr. H."
"Hey Virgil. Can you come with me?" I asked, gesturing outside. "I need you to do something."
"Of course." He stood up and followed me back outside. Once I had closed the door, he faced me again. "Whatcha need?"
"Can you go with Carl, Shade, and Jet into the town for me?" I asked, leaning against the door and crossing my arms.
He raised a brow. "Why do we need to do that?" He asked. "I'd prefer to stay by Kate's side while she heals."
"I know you do Virgil." I nodded. "I understand it, young love and all." I smiled.
"Well uh." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah."
"I get it, believe me." I held my hands up momentarily. "But this is for her benefit. Kate can't walk right now, it causes too much pain right?" He nodded. "There's a herd coming Virgil."
"A herd?" He questioned.
"A term used to classify a large group of zombies moving in a pack." I explained. "Anyway, there's a big one coming our way, and Shade tells me it'll be here, likely within a day." The color drained out of him with that one. "We can't stay at this motel, not with that coming."
"So I need you to go and search the town for something that can get Kate mobile again." He nodded as I spoke. "Another car, crutches, a trailer, anything. Cause she is my primary concern, and if we can't get her moved by the time that herd hits, we're screwed."
"Got it. I'll go. For Kate." He sounded determined. Good. "Where do I meet them?"
"Down by the caddy." I pointed to it where Jet stood. "Make us proud boy." I instructed, laying my hand on his shoulder.
"I will." I lifted my hand off, and he walked off to the stairs.
Good kid that Virgil. "Quite the rousing speaker you are." I heard from my left side. I turned to see Shaunte stepping up by me.
"I do what I need to. Kate can't move right now. We have to find a way." I explained. "I'm just a concerned father."
"Concerned indeed." Shaunte crossed her arms. "I need into the room please."
I looked at her for a moment. "Oh, right." I stepped away from the door. "Go right ahead."
"Thanks." Shaunte opened the door and disappeared behind it as it closed. She must be checking on Kate's wound. I stepped to the railing and rested my crossed arms on it.
Out in the parking lot, Shade and his squad started off on their mission. I hope they can find something. I watched the vacant parking lot for a while, taking in the silence of the world.
After a few minutes, I heard the door open again. "Still here?" Shaunte asked.
"Yeah. Not much else to do now." I sighed. Shaunte walked up beside me and leaned on the railing like I did. "How is Kate doing?"
"She's doing great. No fever, so I think we managed to stave off any infections." She answered. "She tried to stand again, but it still hurts too much."
"How long do you think it will be before she can comfortably walk?" I looked over to her as I asked.
"I don't know, maybe a day or two." She shrugged and looked back. "It depends on how much pain she can tolerate while walking."
I sighed. That's not good news. "Thanks Shaunte. You do God's work as our doctor." I smiled weakly.
"Thanks Aldo. Just using my talents to help others." Shaunte smiled back. There was a small moment of silence. "You've got a tough girl there Aldo."
"How do you mean?"
"I mean she's strong." Shaunte reiterated. "She stood up to those people, even with a gun pointed at her head. That takes some serious resolve."
"Yeah, she is something." I smiled, thinking about my wonderful daughter. "Yet, I worry about her."
"Worry? How so? She's recovering quite well." Shaunte stated.
"It's not the injury that concerns me Shaunte." I sighed. "It's everything. This world, the way people are."
"This new world is vicious Aldo." She pointed out. I know it is. "People have to be strong to keep going on."
"Yeah, I know. I...I just want her to stay the lovely little girl I remember her as before it all started." I sighed again, briefly closing my eyes. "She's seen and done things no one should ever have to. She's only 17."
"We all want to stay who we are Aldo." Shaunte stated. That's true. "It's impossible these days. You think Shade would have been so cool with killing someone a year ago?"
I shrugged. "I guess no."
"Yes. He was a policeman once. He protected the people." I had no idea. "Shade does what he does for a reason. What is the thing that drives you Aldo? What is the most important thing to you?"
"Kate. No question. She's all I have from life before." I admitted. I looked away from her, down at the ground. "It must sound so typical, a father cares most for his daughter."
"Perhaps it is, but you have a purpose for doing what you do. Kate's survival." Shaunte continued. "You strive for survival. For her survival. It's something you and Shade have in common." I raised a brow. "Let me put it this way, he's done that in a previous life would be frowned upon. But he's done it to protect us. I've done similar things as well."
"Really? I asked. She nodded. "I...I don't know Shaunte, I guess I just hate to see her like she is." She raised a brow in confusion. "She is wracked with guilt over what she's done. She asked me the other day if she's a bad person."
"That's not good." Yeah, it isn't.
"No it's not. I insisted she wasn't, that she acted in the right, but I fear she doesn't believe me you know?" I sighed.
"Yeah. Shade told me what happened at the compound. How she used the shotgun on those guys." I nodded. "That'd rattle anybody. All you can do is tell her she's s good person."
"I know. I did."
"She needs to know that this is the world now." Shaunte explained. "These days, it is much more acceptable to kill someone while defending yourself. Still frowned upon in general, but not as bad as it used to be."
"I know. I just...she's growing up too fast." I briefly closed my eyes. "I don't know anymore. Maybe I'm getting worked up over nothing."
"I wouldn't say that Aldo." She replied. "It's something to worry about for sure, but you need to just be there for her. Through all the trials and hardships. Be the rock that gets her through it all. That's what Shade is for me. I love my brother, and he helps me stay sane. He reminds me that despite the bad things I've done, it was in service of our friends."
"I see."
"I'm no expert on parenting, that's for sure." She admitted. "But I know that you're raising her right, and you needn't worry so much. If she's anything like you, things will be fine."
I sighed again, this time happily. "Thanks Shaunte, that makes me feel better."
"I'm glad. In times like this, we all need some happiness." Shaunte stepped away from the railing. "Well, see you later Aldo. Need to take stock of our remaining supplies."
Shaunte stepped past me and headed to the stairs. "Alright, and Shaunte?" She stopped and turned to me. "Thanks." She gave me a quick smile and nod before heading down the stairs.
I pushed away from the railing. Might as well visit Kate if she's awake. I turned heel and slowly opened the door. Peeking in, I saw Kate looking at me with a small smile. Nelly sat in her chair, turning her head as well.
With that, I fully stepped inside and closed the door. "How are you feeling Kate?" I asked, sitting down.
"Well, my leg still hurts like hell, but other then that, I'm fine." She recapped with a smile.
"Good to hear, kind of." I stated.
"What did you need Virgil for?" She asked. "I was enjoying his company."
I noticed Nelly smiled. "Oh now, am I not enough Kate." She said, fake pouting.
"Oh come on Nell. You know what I mean." Kate chuckled.
"I know. I was just pulling your leg darl." Nelly nudged her playfully.
"So dad, what was it that you needed him for?" She asked again.
"Those people were truthful. There is a herd coming towards us. We...well we can't stay here." I put it flatly. She raised her brows alarmed. "With you not able to comfortably walk, we have to find some way to move you. Shade, Jet, Virgil, and Carl are combing the town, looking for something we can use to get you moving."
"I see. He'll be safe out there right?" She asked.
I nodded. "Yeah, he'll be fine. They'll watch each other's backs." She seemed to calm down a little. "They'll find something, I'm sure of it."
"I hope so. I really don't want to try to move with this." She winced just thinking about it. "And I'd hate to be the cause of us being caught in a herd."
"You won't hun." I reassured. I really hope not.
Things were silent for a moment. "Hey Nell?" She turned her head to Kate. "Could you step outside for a moment? I wanna talk with my dad privately."
She smiled. "Of course. Lemme get outta your hair." Nelly proceeded to stand and exit quickly, closing the door gently.
"What's on your mind sport?" I asked as the door closed, looking to Kate. She had a concerned look on her face. "Something wrong?"
"It's Nelly." She admitted. Uh oh. "She's been so...clingy kinda." I don't like where this is going. "I mean, it's not all bad. Nelly's my best friend, and I love to be around her. I really do."
"I feel a 'but' coming." I noted.
Kate nodded. "But I heard her talking in her sleep a few days ago. She mentioned my name."
"That's not that strange. Sometimes people speak in their sleep while they dream." I shrugged. "It's not uncommon."
"I know that dad. I guess I feel it's different this time. She was like...moaning and stuff." I raised my brows. I wasn't expecting that. "Maybe I'm reading to much into it, but I just think it's odd. Also, that combined with the clingyness makes me think."
I knew what she was thinking. Nelly told me herself. "Think what hun?"
" uh, makes me think that...that Nelly's got a crush on me." That's the truth. But I can't let her know it is. "Do you think that is possible?"
I hesitated to answer. After all, even without my knowledge, how would you answer such a question? " Kate. I don't know. I'm thinking that it might be a coincidence."
"Really? You think so?" She asked.
"Yeah." I answered simply. "She's probably clingy as you say because you're her best friend, and in this world, kind of her only friend." I reasoned. I think it's sound logic. "The sleeptalking I think is just that."
"Huh." Kate sighed. "Maybe I am just looking into it too much."
"So, I'm naturally curious." I admitted out of nowhere. "If your suspicion was valid, what would you think of such a thing?" I tried to word it in a way that didn't make anything too obvious.
"If it was valid?" She asked. I nodded and shrugged at the same time. "Well, I don't know. I guess I'd be conflicted. Virgil is amazing, and I care so deeply for him, but I also care deeply for her." Kate ran her hands through her hair. "I don't know dad, it'd be confusing. I know that."
"That's okay." I reassured. "It's only hypothetical hun. Don't fret about it."
Kate visibly relaxed, taking a few breaths before smiling and closing her eyes. "Alright dad. I won't."
A knock came to the door. I turned to see Nelly poke her head in. "They're back."
"Keep resting Kate." I stood up and held my hand up to her. "I'll let you know what we do."
Without waiting for an answer, I stepped our and closed the door behind me. "Aldo." Nelly said as I turned around. "I heard it all."
Nelly started walking to the stairs as I followed her. "How?"
"The window is open." Nelly stated. We descended the stairs, putting distance between us and the window. "I'm not trying to be clingy Aldo." Nelly was distraught alright. "I just want to be around her. Is that so wrong?"
"Not at all." I answered. "But Nelly, these feelings you have. Are you sure of them?"
"I don't know Aldo. Maybe." She shrugged. "I just know I feel safe when I'm with her. Both literally and figuratively."
"That's fine to not know. Emotions like that can be difficult to understand." I stopped at the bottom of the stairs. "I wouldn't let those feelings disrupt your friendship with her. That bond the two of you have is something special."
"Yeah, I know. I'll try and make it just that. A special friendship." Nelly sighed. It's gonna be tough. "Thanks."
"Anytime." I smiled. As I finished speaking, I heard a running engine. "You hear that?"
"Yeah." She said.
Moments later, a bus turned into the parking lot, stopping. The front window opened up. "Look at this Aldo!" Shade happily shouted. "We found a bus!"
"Holy shit." I smiled. "Amazing!"
He turned it off, and moments later all four of them exited the bus. "Yeah, it seems like someone had been living in there." Shade explained.
"So we stole someone's home?" I asked.
"No no no." Shade held his hands up defensively. "There was a walker in there when we first found it. Whoever lived there is long gone."
"Oh okay." I smiled. "This is great. We can get moving now."
"Yeah, and like I said someone had been living in here." Shade patted the hood. "Took a bunch of the seats out for more living space."
"Yeah, and we managed to find a stash of canned foods, water, and stuff." Virgil proclaimed proudly. "We should be okay on food for a while."
"Great." I couldn't believe this. This good fortune is well, remarkable. "Let's get all packed. With that herd coming. We best not waste time."
"Agreed." Shade nodded. "Alright everyone, we're leaving in 30 minutes!" Shade shouted to anyone listening. "Pack your shit and let's get rolling!"
I turned to Nelly. "Go help Kelley with Elijah Nelly. I'll get Kate." She nodded and took off to where Kelley and Karla's room was. The Hawkins family is really helping Nelly with Elijah. She needs and welcomes the help.
I turned heel and made for the stairs, taking two steps for every step of my leg. I opened the door with haste to a surprised Kate. "What is it dad?" She asked.
"They found a bus Kate." I reported with a smile. She smiled in return. "We're packing up and getting the hell out."
"Awesome!" She exclaimed. "I knew they'd find something."
"They did indeed. Along with food and water." I said, walking to her on the bed. "Let's get you moved. Your leg might hurt, but you'll have to endure it."
"I can handle it." She said, with a faux tough tone. "I just wanna get out of here."
Kate flung the covers off of her, making it easy to move her. I pushed my arms under her, lifting her by her knees as she wrapped her arms around mine. "Ughh." She winced.
I turned around and carried her out the door towards the stairs. "Boy oh boy you're light." I remarked.
"Oh hush. I'm not that light." She chuckled. Down the stairs we went. People around us moved and worked, moving every bit of supplies we had. "So where are we going now? And what about the caddy?"
"Well to be honest Kate, I don't know, and, I also don't know." I admitted. "We've got this thing now, so we don't really need any other vehicles."
"True." She said. I noticed that Jet was in the driver's seat. He saw us coming, and opened the door.
"Thanks Jet." I said, stepping into the bus with Kate in my arms. He gave me a thumbs up as we passed him. "Wow."
The back half of the bus was completely gutted out. In it's place were several chairs and a couch. There were some not so neatly folded blankets, a cooler, and several boxes. Closer to the remaining seats were some mattresses as well.
"Let's get you on that couch." I quickly walked to said couch and carefully lowered Kate onto it. "Perfect."
"Thanks dad." She smiled.
I heard more footsteps at the front. I took a seat by the couch and saw the look of amazement on Nelly, Kelley, and Karla's faces. "Cool isn't it?"
"Yeah!" Karla shouted. "Are we gonna live in this thing?"
"We sure are." Shade walked on with a box of supplies, followed by Shaunte. "Welcome to our new home."
He placed the box on one of the seats. Virgil walked in after, and Carl not long behind him. "So we're all here. Where are we going Shade?" I asked.
He shrugged. "I don't know. North I guess."

The People Went Away
General FictionIn the days before the end of the world began, people were paranoid something was wrong. For billionaire oil mogul and investor Bartholomew Carelli II, he felt himself a prophet. Bartholomew claimed he had visions from God, and saw a coming nuclear...