Sakura jumped a little at the sudden noise coming from her door, she looked up and starred at the door, waiting. Then it happened again, she starred at the door and got up slowly, she walked to the door and looked through the peep hole seeing a guy with a bold head andd eyes closed with a tall dark man, black hair and dark brown eyes. She stepped back and bumped into a table nocking over a cup that broke, she cursed under her breath as the banging continued, she was a little creeped out that they weren't yelling anything, just silenty banging, she turned around and went to the bathroom and closed and locked the door. She heard her front door break as wood splintered most liekly flying all over the room, she looked to the window that was above the toilet and tried opening the window to get out, she sighed and took off the back of the cover to the toilet and praid that she would get out, she smashed the window the same time the bathroom door was broken down.
She stared at them as they all just stood there, starring at each other, waiting for one to make a move. Sakura tossed the lid aside and lunged to the window half way out when someone grabbed her ankle stopping her. She was pulled back in, cuts mutiplying as she came in, screamed for them to stop, trying to get peoples attention, all ignoring her. She growled as she fell to the floor, she spun around kicking the bg guy in the face, she jumped up and slid under the bald man and ran for the door only to be met with 10 more men. She growled and was about ready to fight when they backed up slowly giving her space, she scruntched her eye brows and turned around to look at the bold man.
"Our boss wants to meet you, please come with us."
Sakura starred at him like he was crazy, then saw the igger man come up behind him and felt intimidated, she hated that feeling and tried to stand taller, failing, and sighed, "Fine."
The group opened up for her to walk out and she watched as worry crossed their faces at the sight of the cuts on her body. She shrugged her shoulders and continued on, the bald man walking by her side.
*Boss's point of view*
I was a bit satisfied hearing that the woman I had seen eailer today was being braught to me, but felt something in me heat up, boil at hear that she had gotten hurt in trying to escape. I know that Toriko is probably worried about how I will react, and that he will except anything that I deam punishiable. He is quite loyal and very trust worthy, I know he was trying very hard to not harm the girl but still something in me wants to punish him to make sure nothing happen to her. I feel like I've met her before and now I want to keep her safe to know her, see where I have seen her, met her.She looked so damn familuar!
I heard knocking and looked up, there she was, standing right before me, long pink bubble gum hair, emerald green eyes that shined with determination, rebelion, anger and curiosity. Her body looked like a womans, but I can't just assume her age, god knows women, girls try so hard to look the right age to get men wrapped around their damn pinkie finger. But this girl, she seems so different, where have I seen her before?
"Man Shisui, women are such pain in the asses, always tlaking about what they want, and its aways clothes and jewlery, and they think they can get it from men with sex. Why can't there be a girl that wants a man just for him, not for his money or anything else?"
"Hahaha!!! Kaien, you know, I'm quite lucky, I met such a girl over summer time. She was amazing she was young but damn she was hot!!! She didnt care one bit that I had money, that I had the looks anything, she got me to talk about my family a little and about myself. And she liked that, she like me for me, I felt so comfortable around her, so relaxed, man, now I miss her." He said slouching, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Really? Who was she."
"Here, I have a picture, her names Sakura Haruno, she is really nice once you get to know her and she trusts you."
*End flashback*
Sakura Haruno
Sakura Haruno
"Sakura Haruno" I said out loud remembering her finally, she was the girl that Shisui met over summer at the beach, the only one that doesnt give a shit about money and other crap.
"How do you know my name?" She asked scruntching her eye brows tensing.
*End of point of view*
Sakura narrowed her eyes at the Kaien as she starred at him, curious as to how he knew her name. She stepped back thinking of running out if the building hoping she won't have to fight to many poeple to get free. "I know Shisui, he told me about you and showed me a picture, when I saw you eailer today on the street, I thought you looked familuar, and I couldn't stop thinking about you. But now I remeber where and why I remember you."
"You know Shisui? How?"
"I grew up with him, we were really great friends, still are, just don't see each other as much."
"What's your name?"
"Kaien what?"
"Kaien Abarai."
"He has yet to tell me about you, have you talked to him lately?"
"No no-"
"Good, when you talk to him, you didnt see or meet me, k?"
Kaien raised an eye brow looking at Sakura, "Why?"
"Nothing for you to worry about, just don't tell him you saw me and can I have his number from you?"
"No, why don't you want me to tell him that I've seen you?"
Sakura sighed, and looked around the room at all the men that were surrounding her, "It's a long story."
"Come sit, nothing for the day." Kaien said standing gesturing to a room off to the side. Sakura slowly followed behind. In the room she sat across from Kaien and nearly sighed with happiness and content wanting so much to lean back and feel lazy. Instead she jusdt leaned back and looked him up and down, staying tense and on gaurd. "Please relax, nothing will happen to you here, so please uncoil, relax and enjoy yourself and tell me why you don't want me to tell Shisui about seeing you."
Sakura breathed out and smiled as she closed her eyes, she opened her eyes feeling better and calm, her smile slowly dying thinking about everthing she was going to say, "Alright, but listen closely alright, I don't want to have to repeat everything. It all started with my, well, "dad", he was so nice to me telling me he loved me and would always be there for me then he sends me away with a total stranger. Second time in my life someone who claims they love me and would always be by my side gave me away, no second thought, no explanation."
"Yes, my real parents gave me to Kakashi because they didn't want me, then Kakashi didn't want me so he gave me to a pervert. Then whileout on the road some friends come out to meet me but they were fighting and I can't stand when people fight. So I left that night, and ran away, met some people but didn't stay the night and went to that hotel to stay the night for the small time that I will be here." Sakura said sighing as she crossed her arms scowling.
Kaien watched and stayed silent, he wasn't quite sure what to say, not really expecting that so he stayed silent.
"Why aren't you saying anything?"
Kaien looked to her eyes and saw curiousity drift through them, "I dont know what to say, so I won't say anything that means nothing to the both of us. I wasn't expecting that any how."
Sakura smiled, "Thank you"
"For what?"
"For not saying anything, everyone feels like they have to say something and I know they don't mean it, their just saying it to get rid of the silence that falls." Sakura said laying her head back on the back of the cushion looking at the ceiling. "Alright, enough droopy crap, lets talk about something more interesting, how could someone nice like you be friends with a idiot like Shisui?"
"HAHAHAHA!!!!" Kaien threw his head back, Sakura looked to him actually getting a good look at him, his black short, loose hair thrown back with his head, his ocean blue eyes brightening as he opened them looking at her. His chisled chin with a small stuble showing. She tilted her head and smirked, "Yes, well it's quite the story, he was failing with a chick and pulled me over trying to get me to help, I was clueless as to what he wanted me to do and he never got her. So he said he'd take me under his wing and teach me on how to get women and from there he never left my side and we became good friends."
Sakura smiled, "That sounds like him."
"So how did you meet him?"
"He tried to hit on me, I punched him in the face and since he followed me all over the place saying he'd get me to fall in love with him, marry him and bare his children. After the first 2 days I finally started talking to him and got him to lay off the marraige and baby love thing and just get to know each other." Sakura said laughing, "Actually I saw a picture of you and him in a teacup at some amusement park with beers or something and pink and purple wigs on, it was quite funny, now I know why your eyes looked familuar." She said leaning forward looking into his eyes, "There very pretty."
"Thank you"
"Hey Kaien!!!!!! What up my bro- Sakura?"
*Hello!!!! Hoped you all liked the chapter!!!!!!!! I worked very hard!!! Sorry for wait, internet messed up and birthday was yesterday and grandparents took me to resturant today so yeah. Anyways dont forget to vote, comment and follow!!!! Love you guys!!!!*