Chapter 9

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(Reader's Pov)

*Continuing from the last chapter*

The posh old clock looked up at me expectantly waiting for my answer. 

"Oh what a kind offer but I must decline" I sighed and the old clock went pale at my words.

"I feel so bad for you guys for making you waste your time" I confessed, twirling a piece of my hair which is a habit of mine when I am nervous.

The clock stood frozen at the door before coming back to reality. it shook it's head and smiled at me nervously "Oh don't worry ma'me, it is alright...... ugh I hope you have a lovely evening" the clock rushed and quickly hobbled it's way out the door muttering to its self.

I turn to the closet and grimaced "do you think I caused them too much trouble?" I asked. The closet smiled reassuringly to me which calmed me but that was quickly ruined.

 I heard shouting and loud thuds coming to my door and I jumped in fright when something began to bang on my door aggressively.

"I thought I told you to come down for dinner!" The beast yelled on the other side of the door. I scoffed at his demanding tone and crossed my arms together.

"you mean after you slammed the door in my face? yeah that's a nice way to ask someone to dinner!" I shouted back at him. I heard him growl on the other side but I wasn't done yet.

"Anyway I'm not hungry!" I uncrossed my arms and sat back down on my bed thinking he would be done.

"You'll come out or I'll... I'll... I'll break down the door!"

I huffed in response and got back up and went to the window. The storm seems to have subsided where the wind wasn't flowing as hard and the snow wasn't hurtling past, now the snow was gently falling past the window.

I watched it with a soft smile as I was remembering how Belle and I would watch it back home while we were bored stuck inside.

 It was a bliss moment of peace that was again broken for me by the beast.

"Will you come down for dinner?" the beast asked, much softer and nice than last time which would give me a chance to be nice back but the memory of Belle and me when we were young reminded me of how I can never see her or father again and opened wounds for me.

Rage filled me up and it burst out "No!"

I could feel the frustration and anger from the beast through the door but that didn't deter me.

The beast asked me again if I wanted to go to dinner with him and I ended up screaming at him.

"You expect me to go to dinner with the person responsible for keeping me away from my family and be all happy at it! leave me alone now!" With the rage came tears and a whole lot of them. I ended up falling to the ground sobbing and the closet comforting me. 

"Fine then go ahead and starve!" The beast screamed and walked away.

It was a bit of time before I calmed down and stopped sobbing with the help of my closet.

The closet and I were sitting on my bed.

"I'm sorry, you always see me crying" I drying laughed, giving them my fake smile.

"Oh it's alright dear and you should try talking to the beast he is a good guy once you get to know him," she said with fake enthusiasm.

I shook my head "I'm sorry but I can't after what he did" and I ended it there by walking back to the window, watching the snowfall past as it is my only comfort here in this place.


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