AN; okay, i know the little Luke pieces are rubbish, but the good parts are coming! I promiss! Keep reading! And pleaseee let me know what you think ! There are some freakin' good parts coming up! Have a lot of ideas! Lovee x
Megan POV~
'Wake up. Megan, dear. You seriously got to get up now. Megan!'
I slowly open my eyes, and see my mother is sitting on my bed. 'Morning honey. Well, almost 12 pm but still.' (not sure if its am or pm, SORRY :'( ) I stretch and get out of my bed. 'We must be at the airport by 2.' 'okay.'
I go to the bathroom and brush my theeth, do my makeup etc. Then I walk to my closet, change into a joggin short with a white tanktop, and my white nike air force. I open my curtains and look into my beautiful street. God, I love the summer. People are all happy, the sun is shining, and I have to leave.
Well, I hope Australia is nice to me. I walk down the stairs, and downstairs, I qiuckly eat my breakfast. Mom made pancakes. 'YAAYYY.' I scream when i sit at the table. Its the only good thing today, so why not be happy.
'So, are you excited?' My dad says. 'Nah.' I take a bite of my pancake. 'Nicole's parents will drive us to the airport. They are here at 1, so make sure you are ready in half an hour. I know it's difficult, but i'm sure you will like it there.' My father says, trying to cheer me up. Nothing is going to cheer me up today. Okay the pancakes are really good, but that's the only thing.
I finish my breakfast and go upstairs again. I pack my last stuff. A lot of pictures of me and nicole, some clothes. almost all the stuff that's left in my room. I carry my stuff downstairs. Our house is really empty like this. I put it all in the hallway, and walk to the kitchen.
'Ready to go lovely?' 'No, but I have to.' I say, and fake a smile. 'Where is Jamie?' I ask. 'Over to his friends house. We pick him up when we go to the airport. I nod.
The doorbell rings. 'I'll go. Bet it is Nicole!' I run to the hall, were I open the door. 'Hello Megan. Are you ready?' Nicoles mom is there. 'MOM, DAD! ARE YOU COMING?' I yell. The most of our stuff is already there, so we only have to carry a suitcase each. They roll their suitcases outside, and put them in the car.
'Meg, come here.' Nicole opens the car door, and I get in. 'Are we all set?' We all nod and then we drive to Jamies friends house. Quickly Jamie gets in the car. 'Okay, let's go.'
In about half an our, we arrive at the airport. My parents are doing all the fly stuff, and things.. you know. Me and Nicole decided that we are going to have a starbucks.
'One strawberry frappucino and a blueberry muffin please.' Nicole orders. 'Name?' The woman asks. 'Nicole.' The woman writes it down on the cup and It's my turn. 'For me one caramel frappucino and a strawberry muffin.' 'Okay, name?' 'Megan.' 'Here you go.' the other woman says to Nicole, and hands her her frappucino and her muffin. a few minutes later, my order is ready too. 'Thankyou.'
We plop down on a couch that is in a corner. 'In wich place are you moving in?' 'Melbourne.' I take a sip.
'What is so special?'
Now i'm scared of asking who they are, so I just sit there nodding and smiling like an idiot. 'You aint gonna tell me you don't remember them.' I think, think, thi.. 'I DO REMEMBER THEM! THEY WERE THE GUYS WHO WERE THROWING UP!' 'YESS!' She high fives me.
'Shit, think we have to go. It's half past three.' We finish our frappucino and walk back to where we saw our parents for the last time. 'Fuck, they're gone.' I say.
'Found them yet?' I ask in the phone. 'Nope, you?' 'Nah-ah.' 'Crap.' Nicole says.
'We have to board in half an hour! WHUT? 20minutes! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?' 'Right behind you honey.'
You got be kidding me!
'Oh hello.' 'Found them Nicole.' 'Okay, I think I see you guys.' I end the conversation. 'There is Nicole!' 'Hi Nicole.' My mom says. 'We really need to board now.' My father says. 'Okay let's go.' I say, rolling my suitcase behind me.
'Okay, this is it then.' I sayto nicole when we arrive at the passport controle, and hug her really tight. 'I'll let you know when arrive.'
I can't help one tear rolling down my face. 'I believe there aint no more tears.' Nicole smiles and hugs me. 'Bye sweetie.' She isn't out of tears. A few tears roll down her cheeks. 'Bye.' I whisper, and walk away with my parents.
After a REALLY long flight, I'm waiting for my parents, who are at a desk.
'Megan?' Jamie asks. 'Yeah fella?' We're sitting on our suitcases. 'Do you think we will like it here?' 'I don't know sweetie. Remember to make the best of it. It will be fun, i hope..' I hug him.
'We are ready to go!' We grab our suitcases and walk to the exit. 'Okay, we need to get a bus.' We stop at a bus station, and 10 minutes later, a bus stops. We get in, and the sun shines on my face. The people here are also happy, the sun also shines here. Yeah.. Think i'm going to like it here.
I don't know how long the trip took, but we finally arrive at a really big white house. People are carrying our furniture into the house.
'Come on!'
We grab our stuff and walk to our house. It's really big! I leave my stuff in the hall and walk to our garden. ' A POOOOOOL!' I scream. After I ran through the whole house ( It took me 6 minutes ) I grab my stuff and walk up the stairs to my room.
It is a really big room with one wall out off glass, with sight on the garden. 'NO! THIS ISN'T WHAT I THINK IT IS, NO NO NO YEAHHHHHH!' I open a door and walk into my walk in closet.
YES A WALK IN CLOSET! 'Ohmygod, I can't believe it!' I scream. I grab my phone and FaceTime Nicole.
'OHMYGOOOD NICOLE!' I yell when she answers. 'That isn't a walk in closet, is it?' 'YUP IT IS!' I scream. 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!' We facetime for like 20 minutes and then, I grab my suitcase and throw it on my huge bed.
I zip it open and unpack my stuff. When I'm done, i run downstairs.
'Mom, dad, i'm going for a walk!' 'Okay!' My mom screams from the kitchen.
I put my earplugs in and play Thrift Shop. When i'm walking for like 2 songs, I go right, left, and then right again. I am on a small square. It looks familiar.
Where did i see the wall with the ''reserved'' plates on the wall earlier? Whatever.
Hey there is a couch. I plop down.
'Hey, what are you doing on our couch?!'

Want u back. ( A Janoskian FanFiction ).
FanfictionMegan is a 16 year old girl, who has to move to Melbourne. When she finds out she lives three houses away from the brooks brothers, she starts hanging out with them. Soon she falls for Luke, or does she starts to like Jai? But that's not the only ch...